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  1. sk66rc

    Fake smiles

    At the risk of sounding sadistic, it does make somewhat feel better knowing there are other people out there that feel close to, if not same or worse, as I do... It's only a human nature to feel "weird", for the lack of better expression, once in a while... I guess I just have to remember that...
  2. sk66rc

    What Is Life Without A Friend?

    What did you exactly expect to accomplish by posting here in this forum if you didn't want any type of inputs from others, or as you put it, "interference"? You put your "feelings" on public & pissed off when people react to it? That's a bit odd, don't you think? Did you expect everybody to...
  3. sk66rc

    My gf is gone...HELP!

    In a case like this, best revenge is to show her how happy you are without her... I'm not saying you should be vindictive... I used to date a girl who was exactly opposite... I used to pick up a lot of tabs when we went out or do stuff... Every time she wanted to get me something or do...
  4. sk66rc

    What Is Life Without A Friend?

    Few things... I like drinking myself... I don't drink nearly as much as I used to... I found myself drinking more & more & realized I used it as a clutch on my bad days... I wanted it to be a source of an enjoyment, not a clutch to used to get out of shitty feelings... I don't see anybody...
  5. sk66rc

    Making The Effort

    I believe a friendship, like any other relationship, takes efforts on both sides... You know what they say about assumptions... "When you assume, it makes an ass out of u & me..." In a lot of cases, parameters are exactly that, an assumption... Just because it started out with one person...
  6. sk66rc

    Fake smiles

    This is more of a vent than anything else... I just happen to remember an old saying... "The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets... The prettiest eyes cried the most tears... And the kindest hearts have felt the most pains"... I guess I'm having one of those days... Anybody else find...
  7. sk66rc

    please help me understand this guy

    Ok... My head hurts now... Guess relationships weren't supposed to be hard...
  8. sk66rc

    A possible explanation why some people feel they need to be in a relationship.

    Relationship is nice... I wouldn't mind having one... But then again, I wouldn't not having one either... For me, it's one of those things that I could live with or without... Nothing against general idea of relationship itself... I just don't really put that much importance on it all that...
  9. sk66rc

    please help me understand this guy

    Now I'm starting to get a little better picture... May be I missed the part but I didn't know he would respond with a joke when you're trying to be a bit on a serious side or at least asking personal questions... Ok... Let's go this way... I'm in no way what so ever trying to defend this...
  10. sk66rc

    please help me understand this guy

    Ahhh... That was misunderstanding on my part... When I read the "flirty" part, I thought you were talking about his friend... Sorry about that... But the point is still the same... He might be getting a mixed message when one minute, he's being told you're not ready, yet another, he's being...
  11. sk66rc

    Stop me if you've heard this: I don't know how to talk to girls

    Well... Isn't that what you wanna do? Talk to her?
  12. sk66rc

    What's your favourite animal?

    I'd love to but I'm not too sure how to post a picture on here... Best I've done so far is to post a link but I don't have pictures on my computer... I'll see what I can do...
  13. sk66rc

    Making The Effort

    Yup...!!! I know a guy like that... Talk about not making an effort... I haven't spoken to this guy for about 3 years now... In hind sight, I've always made an effort to call him & talk to him & things... I even took him on vacations few times... Made an effort to get him out of his...
  14. sk66rc

    I hate...

    Whoa... You got that sticker on your forehead, too? lol... I've been there few times... Some of the girls I've dated, as short period as they may have been, seemed really "troubled" in their head... I know what you mean about having someone around, though... May be "girlfriend" type isn't...
  15. sk66rc

    Stop me if you've heard this: I don't know how to talk to girls

    There's such a thing as "trying too hard"... Sometimes we do that without even meaning to... Especially when we get nervous... How about starting a conversation with a simple "Hi"... If you can't think of things to talk about, get her to start... "So...!!! What's going on with you today?"...
  16. sk66rc

    please help me understand this guy

    It sounds like a combination of things... By saying "....didn't feel like dating..." you basically told him you weren't interested, at least for now... With that said, you even said you were a bit "flirty" on both sides with his friend... And you dropped a few hints about his weight, or at...
  17. sk66rc

    I hate...

    You might be "too close to see it"... Sometimes when you feel certain way about someone, we may not see the person for what he/she really is... It's not until we distance ourselves from that person & almost be a "cold or cruel" person to see the reality of the situation... Like others said...
  18. sk66rc

    Fitting in in the year 2014

    Ummm... People who call themselves my friends, they're freaking crazies & nuts, too... So I guess I fit in just fine... Or is it, they fit in with me...(?) No wonder I don't have too many friends... There can't be that many people who are screwed as I am...!!!
  19. sk66rc

    GUYS - Would You Date a Fat & Ugly Girl

    Ok... I'm gonna say something & hope I don't come across creepy... I personally think you're cute... And I don't mean "cute" as in a puppy dog or kitten kind of way... I had a friend who had a bulldog puppy... He was so ugly to the point he was cute, lol... But that's not where I'm going...
  20. sk66rc

    I'm thinking of getting a cell phone.

    I used to be a heavy cell phone user due to my job & the position I had at the time in that job... My phone bill used to be little over $120/month... Now I only use my phone for voice calls & text messages, I bought a pre-paid phone... Service provider I use is called "Simple Mobile"... I...