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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. sk66rc

    What do you work as?

    I sell appliances full time & work as a translator/interpreter... Thing about translator job is that you're not just translating words, you're translating their culture as well so a sentences or expressions that may not make sense in one culture can make whole lotta sense in the other... You...
  2. sk66rc

    Summer Adventure Ideas

    How about shark diving? It's either gonna freak you out or you'll love it... You can do it in shark cages or free style, or free dive... Free style usually requires scuba gear & free dive is one without the scuba gears but both without cage... It's usually a good idea for the first timers to...
  3. sk66rc

    what is going on with me. need help!!!

    "Stalker alert!!!"... Just kidding...!!! So...!!! You're nuts about her... How well do you know her? Is she just some random girl or friend of mutual friend? Does she know you exist? How about going up to her & talking to her?
  4. sk66rc

    How do you get through your day?

    Typically, on my days off, I try to catch up on my sleep... Watch some tv then out to a decent restaurant that isn't too expensive, preferably one with the outside seatings... Then I usually sit there & watch people... That amuses me... Not that people amuse me but the idea of so many people...
  5. sk66rc

    Quick Advice Needed

    First of all, I'd like to say I'm impressed... Someone once told me when I was younger, "If I can't trust you with something as little as a dollar, how do you expect me to trust you with something as big as a million dollars?"... The fact that you feel shitty as you do about "breaking your own...
  6. sk66rc

    What's your favourite animal?

    Wolf... I do own a grey wolf/Syberian Husky hybrid... Long story how I came to own one but I freaking love this dog... 6 years old now... 2nd favorite would be a Bengal tiger...
  7. sk66rc

    Everyday Things That Make You Happy

    Sleep... Definitely sleeping...
  8. sk66rc

    34 alone, no family and no friends

    This may sound a bit odd but I wish I could be in your shoes right now... I'm at a point where I really don't feel like connecting with anyone... I guess most people feel like that once in a while, just want to be alone... Don't get me wrong... As few as they are, friends I have a wonderful...
  9. sk66rc

    I know someone...

    I know someone who wanted to commit suicide but in the process, saved someone's life... (Well, that person ended up talking herself out of suicide in the process as well)
  10. sk66rc

    Today is my birthday

    Happy Birthday...!!!
  11. sk66rc

    Defining yourself with your hobbies?

    Well... I don't think you're all that different than anyone else, at least for the most part... Most people feel at ease when they're talking about something they feel comfortable with & more often than not, it's hobbies... If you've been doing it long enough, you'd feel comfortable about the...
  12. sk66rc

    Would you consider a matchmaker?

    On few occasions, I went out on a date with a woman that a friend of mine set me up with... Does that count as match making? I'm not really against the idea but once the whole situation put my friend on an awkward situation because woman & I didn't work out...
  13. sk66rc

    When did your lonliness begin to show itself?

    I remember being alone all the time as a child... And I remember feeling free... Not that my parents didn't care, but they allowed me to explore as much as possible when I was growing up... I don't remember any particular age when I felt lonely but I do remember being more often than not...
  14. sk66rc

    So it happened.

    Sorry to hear about your loss... Have you consider getting another dog?
  15. sk66rc

    Age difference outside my comfort zone.

    Ummm... 16 years is not all that much of an age difference in my opinion... I've dated a woman who was 28 years older than I was for little over 2 years & it was one of the best relationship I was in... We even talked about moving in together but things happened & we ended up going our...
  16. sk66rc

    Is loneliness a choice?

    There is a difference between solitude and loneliness. Solitude is when you are alone and you enjoy it. Loneliness is when you are unhappy to be alone. If you like loneliness then you are not lonely, you are solitary. Nobody likes loneliness but some people really do enjoy solitude. Real...
  17. sk66rc

    Do sometimes people hate you for no reason?

    When I was in high school, I had a fairly close friend & his girlfriend hated me... I know hate is a strong word but she genuinely hated me... She flat out told me to my face that she hated me, which in my opinion the best thing she could've done...
  18. sk66rc

    Is loneliness a choice?

    I guess for some, loneliness could be a choice... I certainly prefer being alone much more than being around a lot of people... I don't have too many friends to speak of but again, that's by choice... I've had plenty of opportunities but I've decided to let them pass because of my own...
  19. sk66rc

    I HATE my job.

    One of the worst feeling is to get up in the morning to get ready to go to a job you hate... I've been there many times... My current job isn't all that much better either... May be you can look for a part time job... Once you get your foot in, look for an opportunity for full time...
  20. sk66rc

    Do you change your physical preferences?

    I'm 43 & my preference in women hasn't really changed that much since my teenage years...