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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    Faced with another impossible choice. For once, why can't I just end up talking to a nice girl who seems interested in me in class or at a party or something, find a relationship that way. I wonder if there's a reason every girl I fall for has some sort of "catch" to them. In a relationship...
  2. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Men

    I've learned their "history" doesn't strictly matter to me, but if that's how they typically approach relationships, it would be a red flag. I don't judge them for it, whatever floats your boat, but it just is an indicator of how they generally approach relationships, especially if this is...
  3. MentatsGhoul

    I think I figured out why I want a relationship

    Nah, I am aware of that. Meditation, all kinds of things. Though, for my situation, because I already spend 99% of my time in my head, it's hard not to make things worse in a way by focusing too much internally, and, like I briefly mentioned, a lot of the things that pull you into the moment are...
  4. MentatsGhoul

    Does swearing bother you? (on the forum)

    I'm someone who tends to swear a lot. Maybe not, "A LOT" a lot compared to some people, but I drop quite a few f-bombs and such in my sentences, because it helps me express myself better. It's a "bad" habit that I've never really made any effort to get rid of, because I never considered it a...
  5. MentatsGhoul

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

    I honestly wanna be home with my parents. Not because I'm homesick or I miss them, but I hate all this preparation work, packing, storing things for the summer, all of that, and I just want to get it over with. I seriously hope next year I have friends to help me out with this honeysuckle.
  6. MentatsGhoul

    Too shy to ask her out/make friends

    Just make conversation with her, and try to ask her out casually. Well, I know it's the workplace, so there might be SOME residual awkwardness to deal with, but other than that... what do you really have to lose? Especially since you mentioned that you might be leaving your job soon, you might...
  7. MentatsGhoul

    I think I figured out why I want a relationship

    I think... I just wanna feel alive. I've been living in my head for so long, I don't remember what it's like any other way. To actually, you know, be in the moment? Seriously, I don't have anyone I consider a "friend" in "real life", and haven't for many years. And, it's not for lack of trying...
  8. MentatsGhoul

    Post freely on this board

    I kinda feel the need to communicate with someone, but I just don't have anything that I feel I should share right now. It's too bad my friend didn't show up on skype today, because I could have really used talking to her, but the truth is, I'm worried about repeating past mistakes and getting...
  9. MentatsGhoul

    Why are relationships hard?

    I don't know, maybe it's because generally I'm quite an understanding person, or because I am very selective of the people I talk to, I never found relationships too hard. Finding them is hard, but once you're in a stable friendship, or romantic relationship, usually, unless the other person is...
  10. MentatsGhoul

    Have you cheated?

    I think cyber dating/sexting etc is definitely cheating. The only reason someone might not consider it to be is because they think it's the same as porn, but in reality... yeah, there's definitely an emotional and personal aspect to it that just isn't there when you're just watching a video or...
  11. MentatsGhoul

    Can men be faithfull in a long relationship?

    I can't really talk about cheating in the form of drunken "hook ups". Personally, I'm one of those people who has a hard time thinking of anyone else in that light if I have feelings for a specific person, especially if I am already involved in a relationship with them. Granted, the longest I've...
  12. MentatsGhoul

    Everything said. I've got nothing left

    Thanks man. I do have other goals, mostly wanting to learn acting, trying to get better grades at university, finish my driver's licence etc. I think, the main issue with this is, ultimately as people, we have social needs. I mean, there's literally studies out there that show people with weak...
  13. MentatsGhoul

    Everything said. I've got nothing left

    Thanks for this response, and for going so in depth. I don't quite know how to respond. Ultimately, there's always a matter of perspective. No matter WHAT you do in life, you can always find SOME justification for it. But if I ended up in a similar situation again, would I act different? I don't...
  14. MentatsGhoul

    Everything said. I've got nothing left

    fresia it, I'm just going to be 100% honest here, just say everything. None of you will care anyway, I doubt I'll even get a response, I'm just so **** worthless to everyone I have nothing left. Nothing. I look like honeysuckle, my clothes are dirty and falling apart, I haven't shaved in weeks or had a...
  15. MentatsGhoul

    Hard to believe

    It's so surreal how I'm in the exact same situation as last year. Made no friends over the year, probably gonna lose contact with my flatmates, lost the girl I loved due to my own selfishness and inability to cope with a situation, trying to reach out to people online, but most of them just make...
  16. MentatsGhoul

    how many people thought of ending ur own life?

    I attempted suicide this Monday. I didn't have enough pills though. It did almost nothing, and I threw up a few hours later. When I did it, I was scared of what might happen. Now, I kinda wish I succeeded
  17. MentatsGhoul

    Buying clothes as a short-average height male

    Jesus Christ, I'm not the devil here, I haven't "dismissed the issue". I'm just saying, finding the right size of clothing to wear isn't unique to average or shorter men, if anything I used your earlier comment about it also being a problem for short women to support it. It's clear to me it can...
  18. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Men

    No. I know this is a generic answer, but a good middle ground is best. I don't want someone who is controlling or makes my decisions for me in any way (considering how laid back I am), nor do I want someone who is so submissive that they barely contribute to the relationship and aren't able to...
  19. MentatsGhoul

    Buying clothes as a short-average height male

    I think it really depends on your body type more than your height. I'm 6'4 and average build (not as lanky as most tall guys nor am I particularly muscular or heavy, people at my height tend to be one or the other) and I always have trouble finding shirts that fit me. Larger sizes are made for...
  20. MentatsGhoul

    Need help with an inter country relationship :(

    Honestly, I think in a long distance relationship, you won't always have the chance to move in together, at least not in the immediate future. It's better to try and find the money to meet up a few times a year for vacation and things like that until the opportunity to move closer, perhaps some...