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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. MentatsGhoul

    Finding a relationship when people don't give you a chance

    Now you're putting words in my mouth though. I'm well aware most of the "approaches" are uncomfortable and with the intention of just seeking out sex, most of my friends over these past few years so I know how men can be. In fact, I'm pretty sure I specifically pointed out that I wasn't trying...
  2. MentatsGhoul

    Variations of Introverts

    I do feel drained after talking to most people, but then, everyone feels drained after talking to someone who they just can't find much common ground with, including very sociable people. It's just hard to see, because the average extrovert will almost always find someone in a group they can...
  3. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Women

    If you knew a male friend had feelings for you, but was willing to stay friends after you rejected him, would you feel comfortable remaining friends with him? Uhh, asking for a friend :p
  4. MentatsGhoul

    Just saw my ex came away feeling like honeysuckle

    I'm a firm believer that you can remain friends with an ex. But if you've broken up with someone, you should accept that. Clinging on to the hope that they might give you another shot or whatever is pointless, and will only hurt you more. If anything, you might be closing doors for yourself by...
  5. MentatsGhoul

    Finding a relationship when people don't give you a chance

    Why? I REALLY don't get why people are offended by that kind of stuff, and I've never gotten a good answer. Obviously hundreds is an exaggeration, obviously not all women etc. But, it's an undeniable fact that women get approached more, get more messages online etc than men of approximately...
  6. MentatsGhoul

    Finding a relationship when people don't give you a chance

    Sorry I misunderstood your post. Looking back, I don't really see where I got that idea from, but to be fair, I don't really remember exactly what I was trying to say either. The one thing I am going to say though is this. I know no one owes me a chance or anything. I'm not trying to assign...
  7. MentatsGhoul

    how did you guys find this forum & what do you get from here?

    I was active on a similar forum for several years, but it had been going downhill for a long time, and eventually I just had enough of its bullshit and left. Several months later though, I kinda felt the urge to vent, ask advice and so on again, and an online friend said that they'd heard of...
  8. MentatsGhoul

    Seeing it coming... I think I'm just gonna take that step myself

    Update: Okay, gave one last shot at messaging her, asking if we could talk. No response this time. Guess she really is letting me go. Not even replying if I message her first any more. Eh. If she hasn't responded by morning... gonna remove her. Enough of this. I think I at least deserved a...
  9. MentatsGhoul

    Competing For Who Is More Lonely?

    This extremely annoys me. It happens I'd say at least 50% of the time, if not more when you talk to someone about your loneliness. The way I see it has always been this- you can't compare your problems to others. Someone with a crap disadvantaged life can be happier than you because they have...
  10. MentatsGhoul

    Seeing it coming... I think I'm just gonna take that step myself

    There's a number of reasons why talking to my other online friends can do more harm than good. Without going into too much detail for fear of offending anyone, a lot have more... obvious mental and social issues than I do. And, there's virtually no joking or positive interaction, and when we...
  11. MentatsGhoul

    Seeing it coming... I think I'm just gonna take that step myself

    This is good advice, but keep in mind my situation. I have NO "real life" friends, and it's not from lack of trying either, so please don't just say "focus on people in your area", the cold hard truth is, I'm unlikely to make any friends in person any time soon. And I have a few other online...
  12. MentatsGhoul

    Variations of Introverts

    The more I think of it, the more I think I might not be an introvert as much as I'm just incompatible with 99% of people, which makes me act very introverted. That's not to say that I hate most people, far from it. Sometimes, I can't hold a conversation with people I actually like. It's just...
  13. MentatsGhoul

    Seeing it coming... I think I'm just gonna take that step myself

    First off, sorry I've been making way too many threads lately. Anyway, on to it. Something I've experienced a lot over the past few years, especially since I started making friends online, is slowly losing them. And, with these past few, I've started to recognise when it's about to happen. It's...
  14. MentatsGhoul

    That one thing I'm tired of hearing over and over from people who just don't get it!

    I've given this advice before, but it's always been a mixed bag for me. 1) If I don't do this, I KNOW things won't get better. No one is just going to knock on my door or walk up to me on the street and ask to hang out, and I've never had an online friendship that turned "real", it's extremely...
  15. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Women

    The whole thing about finding the line between being friendly and being too pushy/creepy is not just a male issue. Women have the same problem when they approach men, it has NOTHING to do with dehumanising women or making them sound like aliens. I wasn't talking about some friendzoning stuff...
  16. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Women

    No one (at least not me personally) is saying "men have it worse". But I just find it odd how talking about male issues in the dating world is somehow "offensive" or automatically belittling of women's issue. And yes, there are plenty of men who act the same way when women talk about their...
  17. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Women

    But it's true, no? I mean, I absolutely do not mean to undermine the problems women face, but it's an undeniable fact that the way societal role are built up, women tend to get approached and men tend to be the ones who do the approaching. I don't think it's sexist or archaic to just point out...
  18. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Men

    If possible, I would think it's ideal for one parent to remain with the child at least for the first 4 or so years. It doesn't necessarily have to be the woman, I think the decision should be based on who has the better paid, more stable and enjoyable career.
  19. MentatsGhoul

    So sick of the worlds petty problems

    I agree. I've been thinking of this for a looong time now. You log on to facebook, or youtube, or anywhere on the internet that isn't dedicated to a certain topic and all you hear is "gender pronouns" that and "racism" this. And I'm NOT necessarily saying that these aren't legitimate issues or...
  20. MentatsGhoul

    I really don't just understand any more.

    For most people, loneliness is temporary. Or at least, they know they can fix it if they put in the proper effort. But not for me at this stage. I don't even see any opportunities any more, and I don't understand. I'm starting to panic. What is wrong with me? I'm in university, I'm surrounded...