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  1. MentatsGhoul

    you can have it all, since you always have

    What is wrong? I might not be the best person to talk to about these things, since I've spent the last week struggling to stop myself from killing myself, but maybe you can at least express your feelings
  2. MentatsGhoul

    Sadies Hawkins Dance

    Couple things. a) It's normal to not have dated at 14-15. The reason it might seem like everyone is dating is because girls at that age often date creepy older guys, and the ones that DO date tend to be the popular ones, so they stand out more. Don't look at them. Look at the nerds, the chicks...
  3. MentatsGhoul

    Question for men...

    It can be either, or both at the same time. I certainly could enjoy the physical aspects of sex just for the hell of it, but I can also appreciate the emotional side of doing it with someone you love and trust.
  4. MentatsGhoul

    Is anyone else also suffering from this ?

    Ah, I see what you mean now. I often experience this too. It does seem that it's easier to cope if you have people who are going through the same around you.
  5. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    I don't honestly have advice, other than I think he's exaggerating. I've seen the worst types of people, both physically and mentally end up in relationships. But, honestly, I struggle with the same issues, perhaps to a lesser extent, so yeah, I don't have anything to say. Plus, I was...
  6. MentatsGhoul

    Is anyone else also suffering from this ?

    I don't hate rules as such, but yes, the world is quickly becoming too bureaucratic. The amount of forms I had to fill in my first year of university, most of which seemed completely pointless. 90% of the emails you get are pointless, but you need to check them all, since 10% of them have...
  7. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    I do agree that it's not a good thing to let something you feel is out of your reach make you miserable, but I also sympathise, even empathise. You wouldn't tell a man dying of thirst in the desert to just accept it and move on, because there's people drowning right that would love to be in his...
  8. MentatsGhoul

    Lost Grip.

    Do not let people walk all over you in a relationship. I was in an online relationship before, and if she had refused to send more than one picture or appear on webcam, I would have ended it. I understand how you felt about loving him no matter what, but here's the thing- never let your...
  9. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Good point. Also, you can always leave a relationship if you're unhappy, but if you're unhappy being single, you can't just summon a relationship out of thin air.
  10. MentatsGhoul

    Are you smiling at me? Or laughing?

    I know what you mean :/ . I wish I had advice, though, I genuinely think most of the time people are gonna be smiling, unless they visibly seem to be chuckling or trying to hide it
  11. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Okay, now I realise I should have worded my original post better, or at least the title. I would NEVER intentionally play with someone's feelings. That's messed up. I'm not talking about telling someone I love them and want to marry them just to get them in my bed here. My main concern is...
  12. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    On a serious note everyone, try not to be offended by this thread. I haven't done anything yet anyway, and I'm not judging people for the way they live their lives.
  13. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Or maybe you just successfully found the balance between messing with people's heads and keepings things casual :p. Which I could never do, considering my social skills.
  14. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    No. I seriously want a relationship, but I'm starting to seriously consider just settling for casual sex, and understanding why people do it.
  15. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Never said we do. But, after years of frustration, I'm starting to see the other side as well. I wish the whole dating thing was simpler. I guess it can be, but only for those who get very lucky, and just run into that perfect someone.
  16. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Finding that balance is harder than you'd think though, and there's a lot more grey area. Even if you are upfront about it, people can develop feelings very quickly in certain situations.
  17. MentatsGhoul

    I'm starting to understand why people become "players"

    Yeah, yeah, the obvious, they just wanna get laid without the commitment. But lately I've been feeling more sympathetic, like there's more to it. I feel like I mention my ex in every thread, so I'll keep that part short. Bad break up last year, awful in fact. Haven't felt a thing for any girl...
  18. MentatsGhoul

    Not Getting Enough...

    Everyone has different sex drives. I don't imagine it's exactly "common" for someone in his late 20s to already start seeing a decrease in his sex drive, but I'm almost 20 so I can't speak from first hand experience or anything. At the end of the day though, it doesn't really matter, he's got a...
  19. MentatsGhoul

    Finding a relationship when people don't give you a chance

    To be fair, that wasn't really what I was trying to say with this thread. Obviously not everyone, not even most people, even if you can be considered objectively attractive, won't "want" you, and sure, no one is being overdramatic and saying it's impossible and it'll never happen either. Just...
  20. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    Why does everyone treat me like this? I'm not going to claim I'm a good person. But I haven't done anything to bother these people, yet they seem disturbed by my very existence. Everyone's response to me is either disgust or mocking, or they simply ignore me. What is the point in living like...