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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    Where the hell is that weed smell coming from? Like for fresia's sake, I thought I got rid of people smoking right outside my window every night when I moved. Can't you just find a more subtle place to smoke?
  2. MentatsGhoul

    Deal breaker questions

    Depends. An attraction has to be there, but whether the person is objectively good looking or not doesn't matter. Also, if a person who is meh at best in the looks department comes across as legitimately having an endearing personality, I can actually start to feel more attracted to them...
  3. MentatsGhoul

    Long Distance Ex Talking to me again... Arguments, Laughter, Frustration.

    Whether it's online isn't the issue. Been there, done that, would never do it again. But it can work sometimes. But to me, it seems like a bit of a toxic relationship. She seems insecure. If what you say is true and she acts submissive most of the time, but then lashes out, that's a problem...
  4. MentatsGhoul

    Feeling like I'm running out of time due to depression

    When I've posted about these things on other forums or talked to people about it, they generally say something like "You're still young, you have plenty of time". This is true, theoretically. Theoretically, you could tell anyone they still have time, unless they are on their deathbed. But...
  5. MentatsGhoul

    Deal breaker questions

    No, but there are obviously always some things that are too private to share with the world. Would it be a deal breaker if the person was overly sarcastic, but apologised if they went too far?
  6. MentatsGhoul

    Share your life advices

    ah crap, how do I delete threads?
  7. MentatsGhoul

    What's the stupidest thing you've ever done when you had a crush on someone?

    I once actually dragged a chair to the table my crush at the time was sitting at just to sit next to her. I also managed to bang it against a bookcase, and took it away from a table where a different girl was already sitting. I had spoken to that particular crush a couple times before, so it...
  8. MentatsGhoul

    Share your life advices

    I don't know if there's any thread like this already, but I couldn't find one. So apologies if I am unintentionally plagiarising someone. I thought it would be a good idea. Use this thread to share some advices or sayings that you have found to be true in your life with others. Might be long or...
  9. MentatsGhoul

    Crap childhood ?

    I moved back to my home country when I was 7. Before that, I remember being happy, having lots of toys, having lots of friends. After that though, everything changed. I was bullied. It was mostly verbal. They all ganged up on me, laughed at me, said I acted like a baby, took advantage of the...
  10. MentatsGhoul

    Questions for the Women

    I have a couple 1) (I know this one is a massive generalisation, so try not to take personal offence) Why do you take rejection so personally? I know men can be crazy when it comes to rejection, but it really seems like women (the rare times they approach a guy first) seem to always blame...
  11. MentatsGhoul

    Quitting everything you have...

    I might be younger than most people on this forum (nearly 20), but I've had the luck to move more than a lot of people do in their entire lifetime, and to very diverse settings. The country, the city, rich suburbs, the "hood", you name it. I've lived in them all. I don't want to put people down...
  12. MentatsGhoul

    Whats your biggest mistake of your life?

    Letting my depression get the best of me during my final two years of high school. I was depressed long before that, but it was honestly when everything started to get a bit too much and I just couldn't cope with life or my responsibilities like a healthy human being. I ended up not applying...
  13. MentatsGhoul

    Who is lonely in the UK?

    I live in the UK and I'm lonely. I'm not gonna reveal my location though because I don't want to end up in someone's basement, so sorry about that
  14. MentatsGhoul

    Women discuss relationship red flags

    I can agree with all that. A relationship can make all the difference in a person's life, but it will never solve all your problems, and getting into a relationship just to stop yourself from being lonely or miserable is never a good idea. You should only get into a relationship with someone...
  15. MentatsGhoul

    Women discuss relationship red flags

    I don't mean to be salty (and I honestly think most of these seem very reasonable), but I'm legitimately curious. I never really understood the "be happy with yourself until you date someone" mentality. Aren't the vast majority of people naturally insecure? And wanting to better what you have in...
  16. MentatsGhoul

    If I feel that most people are evil or vile at heart...

    I don't really believe in applying the concepts of good and evil to people in most cases, but I do believe that the amount of empathetic people is much smaller than the amount of people who are just in it for themselves. I don't think it's your fault. It's true, certain types of people might...
  17. MentatsGhoul

    Finding a relationship when people don't give you a chance

    I really don't wish to sound like an entitled internet "nice guy" here, so apologies if I come off like that. But to give credit where credit is due, I really don't think I'm that bad of a catch once someone gets to know me. I'm good looking, in decent shape. I have a strange sense of humour...
  18. MentatsGhoul

    Once a day: What are you thankful for?

    I've been feeling good about my looks lately. I still get no looks from anyone in the street, but I took a picture I really liked for my skype profile pic and I've been feeling okay looking in the mirror as of late. Not having to obsess about my appearance as much as I generally do has helped my...
  19. MentatsGhoul

    how many people thought of ending ur own life?

    Many, many times. I came very close to doing it three times since November. I'll be honest, I don't know WHAT stopped me. Maybe because I've been daydreaming so long about things getting better, meeting people who actually like me, bumping into a beautiful girl and falling in love, stuff like...
  20. MentatsGhoul

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm thinking I need to eat, but I'm too hungry to go to the store and buy food. This is how I die.