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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. vixie

    Post your desktop

    Holy carp that was giant, sorry, edited it to make it smaller
  2. vixie

    Deal Breakers

    I am extensively tattooed and I'm definitely not part of any secret society or cult. I decorate my body for myself only because I like beautiful art and appreciate nature (all of my tattoos are of nature). On what basis do you believe that tattoos have that implication?
  3. vixie

    Twooooo ginger shoots!

    Aww, I love cute little green sprouts I should do this
  4. vixie

    Post something beautiful you have seen today.

    (: She's had some struggles, but we have her to a point now that her quality of life still is good. Different, but good. She has really bad arthritis and I think the tumor hurts her too, but she's done very well on pain medication twice a day (before that she was so sad all the time, though...
  5. vixie

    Post something beautiful you have seen today.

    I live with a sweet geriatric dog who won't be alive much longer because of an inoperable, huge tumor. Today I had her out in the yard along with my puppies and she actually got spunky and played with them a bit and brought the tennis ball to me for me to throw.. which she rarely does these...
  6. vixie

    Have you been diagnosed with anything? Mental illness? Health issue? If so, what?

    I have major depression, though I may also fall in the bipolar spectrum. I seem to get 'dysphoric mania', also known as a mixed state, and adding a mood stabilizer used for bipolar to my antidepressants has REALLY helped me. For mental health issues, I also have anxiety and PTSD. And... I hate...
  7. vixie

    E3 2015

    The new Arma 3 terrain, holy crap, it's bloody beautiful
  8. vixie

    E3 2015

    Needless to say, the hype is real for Fallout 4. :D Amazed by what I saw. Beyond that, I'm looking forward to getting a look at the new terrain for Arma 3.
  9. vixie

    Post something beautiful you have seen today.

    My baby rats. A lot of people will think "gross" when they hear rats, but they're lovely beings. Their enclosure is right next to my desk so I get to watch the little guys all day. It's so clear how much they love each other.. they share food that I give them, clean each other and play all day...
  10. vixie

    "Titanic principle"

    Would you sacrifice yourself for another no matter what? What if you had a child of your own that you'd be leaving behind? If you had someone else that loved or depended on you that would have their world torn apart? What if you simply value your own life and wouldn't want to cut short what...
  11. vixie

    "Titanic principle"

    I don't see why a woman's or a child's life should be seen as inherently more valuable than a man's... or why it should even be seen as relevant on the subject of manners. Being a kind, good, empathetic person isn't gendered. There's no rational reason that it should be expected to be only...
  12. vixie

    I think I'm transgender...

    Yay, I've already been intentionally misgendered multiple times. Fun. People are great.
  13. vixie

    something that could get me banned

    I'm interested in what the context of that post was, if you don't mind sharing. :)
  14. vixie

    Post something beautiful you have seen today.

    My puppy's face. He is so sweet and full of love. He periodically comes over to me for no reason other than to ask for kisses. He puts his ears back and gets this tender look in his eyes, I could melt from the adorableness.
  15. vixie

    What If...

    I'd be the fox that sneaks into the village to steal tasty morsels of food. Also, the discussion about what would be necessary for this village to work is very interesting (though I'm not knowledgeable enough on these sort of things to participate in it). :) It's nice to see people scratching...
  16. vixie

    No joy in lire.

    What were they, and what makes you conclude that they were a lie? This is really common for people feeling this way. Things what were once enjoyable lose their appeal. The darkness of one's state of mind can color everything black. That doesn't mean that you'll never have those joys back...
  17. vixie

    Anniversary of Alan Turing death

    I try to teach as many people about Turing as I can.. the amount of people who had no idea who he was previous to that is disheartening. May everyone who is curious learn about him and may we all remember him so that atrocities the likes of which were committed against him never happen again...
  18. vixie

    Porn is REALLY bad for you

    Do be aware that the women who are victims of those types of scenarios are paraded around the media because it attracts far more sensationalism than the many, many sex workers who are completely healthy of mind in making the decision to do what they do, and happy with their work. I do not mean...
  19. vixie

    Happy Birthday Antihero. :)

    Happy Birthday Anti! Miss seeing you around the chat