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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. C

    what have you learned today ?

    Beautiful statement, I will save this if you don't mind?. I feel the same way, I remember not liking it very much but when introducing it back to my palate I enjoyed it very much, the urine smell afterwards not so much. 🤣
  2. C

    Why are you alive?

    I think being a teacher is a great responsibility, I also think your dedication will shine greatly to your students. Honestly I remember all my great teachers and know that they have made a huge impact on my life. I too will stick around until my parents pass, mostly my mother. I have a...
  3. C

    Do you trust your friends not to judge you?

    Firstly thank you for taking the time to conceive a great response. Secondly I think in this case it's the brainwashing/conditioning/stereo-type factors that this judgement stems from. After reading your second response I also agree that judgement is a healthy part of a friendship it certainly...
  4. C

    Do you trust your friends not to judge you?

    I for one judge myself much harsher than anyone could judge me, recently I've been told I am not very kind to myself by a very good friend. So I get your statement very much!
  5. C

    What are you thinking right now?

    "How depressing is it that during the term you crave for the holidays and the minute you are on holiday, you crave the distraction of neverending work" Work keeps us distracted for sure and gives a meaning, unfortunately some of us don't know how to relax and sit back enjoy the ride. I know...
  6. C

    Why is human life so long? Do you find it too long?

    "I’m glad that I still can see the beautiful things life has to offer" Yes, I'm happy to see beautiful things such as my dog dreaming, sometimes though his dreams get rough I imagine, and the whines worry me so I place my hand on him and tell him it's alright until he wakes realizing it is ok. I...
  7. C

    Do you trust your friends not to judge you?

    Thanks all for the responses, I know judgement lies in all of us but as for what kind of judgement I guess is the difference. There's constructive criticism which is in the same category I feel, but then there's the darker side of judgement which is mocking they may not do it to my face but I...
  8. C

    Why is human life so long? Do you find it too long?

    28 years here, it's not that I feel like I've lived so long it's that I have a feeling of disconnect from everything that I've encountered. I'm ready when ready is willing to take me.
  9. C

    Do you trust your friends not to judge you?

    Hello, let's start off by saying forums have never been a thing of mine, I've been much better at bottling my emotions rather then expressing them to friends or people in general. This year I hit a hard snag and I couldn't break free, it took a lot of convincing from a few friends for me to take...