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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. T

    In love with my best friend who doesn't feel the same way

    As the title says, I am in love with my best friend but she (I am bi) doesn't feel the same way. We have been email friends for a few years and were supportive and helpful to each other throughout that time. Neither of us has much of a support network, so we came to rely on each other a lot and...
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    Is she actually my friend?

    I have had a friend for several years and we usually meet once a week for coffee. However, I have noticed that she often makes critical remarks about me/to me and am wondering if she is really a friend and if she even likes me at all. For example, I am overweight and for a fair number of weeks...
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    Is this a bad friendship?

    I became friends with a man some months ago via a mutual friend, but am starting to doubt whether I want him as a friend any longer. Maybe I am being too sensitive, I don't know. Anyway, a few months ago he started calling to see me about two evenings a week without checking first if it was ok...
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    Feeling smothered

    All my adult life I have hoped to get married and have a family but it hasn't happened.  Then, this year, I suddenly started feeling that being without a partner has its good side.  I can go out of the house when I want, read and watch what I want on TV when I am at home, and if I don't keep on...
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    Being alone all the time

    I have to admit to finding the current situation-in lockdown because of covid 19-really hard to cope with.   Before it happened, I had more or less come to accept being single and alone for the rest of my life and had started to not feel as lonely as I have felt for all my adult life because of...
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    I am really anxious and unhappy and need some support.  3 years ago I agreed to take a friend's cat when she was looking to rehome him.   She promised that she would pay all of his vet bills.   I couldn't have taken him otherwise, as vet bills can be so expensive.  We fell out a year ago but she...
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    Scared about cancer maybe returning

    I had breast cancer in 1995 and recovered.  For the last few years I have gone for a mammogram every three years and they have always been ok. Then I went for one 2 weeks ago and had a letter on Friday saying that there had been technical problems with the machine and I am to go for another one...
  8. T

    Is this possible?

    A former friend put her laptop in its protective carrying case some months ago and propped it up on its edge between an armchair and a case in my house. I later moved the case and the laptop tipped onto its side still in its protective carry case.  I simply stood it on edge again and thought no...
  9. T

    Stressed out

    In April I became friends with someone I had known for some years and in the last few months things have been getting really difficult with him.  We go to a local language group and he goes into a sullen sulk refusing to talk or join in if I talk to someone else in the group for 'too long,' or...
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    Feeling uncomfortable

    I recently went on a first meet with an internet date and it seemed to go OK.   But afterwards when we were emailing he mentioned that his mother had had breast cancer and when I wrote back I mentioned that I had had it too many years ago, he wrote back and said 'it felt funny to imagine me...
  11. T

    I don't know how to cope any more.

    I have written before about my next door neighbour (a couple of Christmases ago) and I am hoping that someone can offer me some help.  I am a quiet person who can be a people pleaser and she is very outgoing, pushy and opinionated.  She can be very kind, but the stress she causes me far...
  12. T

    Feeling really low and confused

    I went to a reading group last Saturday which is held only about 3 or 4 times a year. I was talking to one of the others and she mentioned that she had just turned 70. I was surprised as she looks about 62 or 63 and I asked if she had always looked young for her age and I mentioned her nice...
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    Sick friend

    Three weeks ago I was to meet a friend J in town, but she didn't show up.  I tried phoning her several times on getting home and got no reply. So as she is diabetic and elderly I was concerned and I phoned another friend C who took me up to J's home in her car. The place was dark and quiet. C...
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    Being let down down twice by building firm

    I need some construction work done on my house and a local company had said they would do it and gave me a date for two weeks ago. The night before, they emailed me last thing to say they couldn't come (owing to a job elsewhere taking longer than expected) and that they would come this Monday...
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    Sick friend recovering.

    I have been really worried about one of my friends who was going through a cancer scare. Luckily the tests have shown that she doesn't have it. Instead she picked up a bug on holiday and will be ok soon. It is such a relief.
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    Dealing with a pushy person

    I have written on here before about a pushy neighbour/friend but now I need to again. When someone keeps pushing me about something, I find it hard to deal with and go away from them feeling stressed out, and going over and over it in my mind. The present issue is about my ISP. My...
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    Difficult conversations

    I am a quiet person and I also have Aspergers, but generally I can talk to people who 'take their turn' in thinking of things to say and who are responsive to things I say. The people I have great difficulty conversing with are those who are far quieter than I am and who leave me to carry the...
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    Mobile phone got wet.

    I am unsure whether this forum is just for computer problems but hopefully it isn't. Last week at the Asperger's support group someone knocked over a full glass of beer and some of it went on the table where my mobile phone was. My phone was on at the time but it seemed ok and it stayed on...
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    Another Christmas post.

    I am sorry to be such a pain but everything has gone wrong about the Christmas arrangements I made, ie to go to my friend's church dinner for people on their own, and be given a lift there and back. The neighbour I have, who I have written about on here before, said straightaway, when I...
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    Christmas Day

    I realise that it is very early to bring up Christmas, but I am hoping this year that things will be better than last year and that I won't be on my own. My friend's church is doing a Christmas dinner on Christmas Day for people alone and I emailed them and have been put on the list for it...