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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    Post a video clip of person who has cool personality. :D

    Title says it all. :D I agree with video title. She is soo awkward, and I absolutely love it. :D I love weird introverts <3
  2. M

    Video games for nature exploring

    Long story short: I'm looking for cool games for nature exploring, which aren't graphic intensive for PC ( for lower end PC ). In this category I passed / played; Far Cry 1 , Far Cry 3 , Far Cry on Cuba ( I think it's the 7th ). Then Crysis, Crysis Warhead, I think I also did pass Crysis 2...
  3. M

    Who is soo sick of humans that (s)he wants hers / his own private planet ?

    Title says it all. :D Nightmare for extroverts and paradise for introverts - being only being on planet. Where do I sign up for it?
  4. M

    Can you help me write gift card for friends wedding?

    So my childhood friend is getting married so I need help with writting gift card. I'm not very good with speeches so ....... It's like a postcard with message type of stuff. Tnx.
  5. M

    Post picture of your dream life place. :D

    Post a picture of place where would you love to live. :D Tnx. :D
  6. M

    Can you help me find more interests?

    Here is the thing, I'm in mid 20's and in retirement cause of my health, and I have issues with fulfilling my day. So if anyone has idea what should I do during the day, feel free to write it here. Tnx in advanced.