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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. insecure

    55, yet it feels my life is over

    So, I'm 55 now, I'm not married and I don't have children. I lost my job in IT, and I am trying to become a teacher of Dutch, my mother tongue and that of 60% of the Belgians. The studies are going well, every exam I did went fine, as well as the internship. However, on a social level I am...
  2. insecure

    55 and lonely

    I recently turned 55. I feel like if a woman is into me, I will probably not find her attractive. At the same time I feel lonely. I think I would feel better, even if I had a purely sexual relationship with a woman, as long as I know she's not there for ulterior motives (money, visa, etc.). At...
  3. insecure

    Impossible to find love

    I guess I'm lost now. I'm 54, yet, I don't really feel physically attracted to most women my age category. What's more, it seems very few women are attracted to me. When a younger woman contacts me (like on a dating site), there is always an alterior motive (looking for a sugar daddy, trying to...
  4. insecure

    Why do people cheat?

    I wonder why people actually cheat. I mean, not the type where you happen to meet a seductive girl or boy, and you just get horny and have sex, once, and then regret it because you are in love with your current girlfriend/boyfriend. I mean, the type where someone will have a boyfriend/girlfriend...
  5. insecure

    Why is there so much violence against LGBTQ coming from islam?

    As a person who until very recently doubted his sexual preference (just read my initial messages here) living in Belgium I have always wondered why islam is so virulently against LGBTQ, and it also made me anxious. I am not saying that every muslim is violent, of course. I just see that if you...
  6. insecure

    Ignore list not working?

    I only have 1 person on my ignore list at this time. Strangely enough this person can still send me messages. I blocked her on October 19th, and to my surprise I got another message about 45 minutes ago. It says "show blocked content" but if I do that the only comment that is supposed to be...
  7. insecure

    Dating: saying the wrong time at the wrong time

    I think I am some kind of champion in saying the wrong things on dating sites, or afterwards. I sometimes get it that a new contact messages me, then we talk a lot, we may have a long voice call. But then I can feel that somehow they start to lose interest, and it never gets to a real...
  8. insecure

    Lost my job.

    Yesterday I lost my job. This comes at a very bad time for me, because I was trying to solve my problems with relations, sexuality, low self-esteem, etc. It scares me in several ways. Scared not to find another good job, but also afraid that it will take all focus away from my other problems...
  9. insecure

    Multilingual poem

    Someone else I would rather be, un autre temps, une autre vie, vol met liefde en met vrinden, und meine Probleme zu überwinden, hay una lengua que me cuesta, com ela a vida seria uma festa, não há aulas por frequentar, para los problemas a superar, die Sprache die mir schwierig fällt, is de taal...
  10. insecure

    Anything specific that turns you on or off in a potential partner?

    If you meet someone, is there anything in particular that attracts you in this person, or on the other hand turns you off?
  11. insecure

    Maybe I've always been kind of depressed?

    I have often thought about this, but I cannot pinpoint any period of my life in which I was really happy. I always was kind of sad and lonely, though there was one period where I felt loved, but it was an impossible love from a distance. What I also remember is that my highs never seemed to be...
  12. insecure

    Many issues

    Hi, I'm a 53 years old male. I recently started seeing a psychologist again. I already did that some 20 years ago, but I was unable to solve the issues I have. I think I have many issues, but the end result is that my life is very empty and lonely. Now with the issues I have, I don't know in...