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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Brian

    Checking in. How is everyone?

    Hey guys. I hope everyone is well, in this lonely season. 2011 was....well, it was a big year, the good and the bad. Felt like coming and sharing, checking in, seeing how everyone is. This started as a response to the 'How was your 2011' thread, kind of took a life of its own. In...
  2. Brian


    After 6 months of hectic on-call hours with the county EMS system, I got the best phone call in the world yesterday. I'm being hired on full time to fill the empty slot in our roster. I couldn't ask for anything more right now. I finally have my full time job back, with a great bunch of guys...
  3. Brian


    So every now and then my posts contain references to oblivion, life being temporary, the scale of nature and the significance of our experience and all that jazz. Anyway, so I found this picture on another message board and I was like "THAT! That that that." and jabbed a finger at the screen...
  4. Brian

    Found a good deal on Clif Bars

    I found a good deal on Clif Bars last night at the store. A box of 12 for 13 bucks. That's less than $1.10 per bar. The gas station usually runs like, $2 or so for a bar if you just stop by for them on the way to the trails. I love these things. Now, if I can just save them for cycling season...
  5. Brian

    On confidence

    I think the matter of confidence, more specifically Male confidence, has been a more common theme than usual as of late. Some people are desperate to find it, while I think some are afraid to have it because they don't want to be a *********, or appear arrogant. I think the confident guy that...
  6. Brian

    Dating Issues / Sex Anxiety / Feeling of Impending Doom

    Ugh. Where do I begin? This is going to be one of those threads that was born from a maelstrom of problems and fears circling in my mind. I hope it is not too disjointed, and is readable for you. I apologize if it isn't, and I appreciate any input offered. As many of you know, I've been dating...
  7. Brian

    Made females laugh

    I went tonight to see Alegria for the second time. I figured I might as well since I was able to loop my return trip through town in time, and I took my little sister. Behind me were two girls, probably a couple years out of college. During intermission from the show they were talking and it...
  8. Brian


    So Brian the Brilliant went and started 'going out' with somebody. "YAAAY! HOORAAAY! Not lonely anymore! Begin the fanfare, let loose the festivities! Meat and mead all around!" It was all warm and fuzzy until about 2 days ago at work, when something occurred to me. Eventually, if things...
  9. Brian

    I ******* KISSED HER

    So life is not entirely ****** for one brief moment here in frigid North Idaho. The girl I posted about previously came over for dinner tonight. I cooked up a bisque with a nice garden salad and yams. She left after a movie and some History Channel but came back in to let her car warm up. We...
  10. Brian


    So there's this girl I've been hanging out with a LOT lately. She's part of my department and we obviously have a lot of mutual friends, and the past week(ish) they've all been cracking jokes to me about us dating and asking when the wedding is and a few things a bit more crude. Honestly I...
  11. Brian


    I am going to Colorado on November 1st and dragging my little sister with me! I'm going over for a fire dept. exam, but we're going to check out some sites and we'll be stopping in Boise on the way back to see Cirque du Soleil. Any recommendations on places to stop on the way from...
  12. Brian

    Some fire pictures

    So our dept. photographer loaded up some pictures from our last fire, thought I'd share. I'll try and find some others to post from other scenes we've had. This was a fire at approx. 1:00 AM at a local office complex. We saved half the building which was about as good as it was going to get...
  13. Brian

    A talk with myself

    I visited my parents this week. For some reason I decided to sleep downstairs; it was too hot upstairs, and the 'basement' used to be my realm of power :P So I decided to reminisce a bit and throw my futon down on the carpet. I hooked my laptop in to my old internet line and plugged it in to be...
  14. Brian


    GOD DAMMIT PEOPLE I HAVE A LESSON TO SHARE with you. I was at a social gathering today. My dumb little friend showed me some pictures of a wreck from the other day. Like an idiot I started flipping through his pictures and joked to him, 'What else ya got on here?' Lo and behold, a PICTURE...
  15. Brian

    Things are looking up some...

    Well I might not have my fire job anymore, but heck if I'm not collecting a ton of part-time work to see me through college. And it's not bad work, either. I'm interviewing with the county ambulance again soon and it sounds like they're going to take me from what I'm hearing. That'll be great...
  16. Brian

    Good golly...

    ..I can't believe I've almost spent 2 lonely years here with you people. Sheezus. :P
  17. Brian

    I kinda like her, but she's got this...key...

    I hope that silly topic sentence grabbed your attention. Now. Listen up. I kinda like this girl who sits next to me in Speech class. She sorta gave me the cold shoulder at first, but since she's been talking to me a little bit and accepts the gum I offer her and stole my pen, I think she might...
  18. Brian

    Off to Montucky...

    I'm off to Montana tomorrow after my morning biology class for a practice run on the physical agility test they'll be doing at the fire exam later this year.. I shall return with tales of great heroism and impossible perils. Or maybe just a gripe about my hotel room. Maybe a mix of the three...
  19. Brian

    Date tomorrow

    Gentlemen, I have convinced another young woman from craigslist to have coffee with me. I'm going in. If I don't come back, bury me at sea. Wish me luck. -Brian
  20. Brian

    I've really had better days.

    I started typing this in another thread, and it just turned in to something totally unrelated. I didn't want to hijack the post and say "Hey, ignore them and look at Brian, Brian's sad", so I chopped it off here and kept on writing. Turns out I needed to, because this ain't really been that...