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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Sanal!

    Hey you, have a great one even though I know you're not doing anything in particular to celebrate. Bestest wishes to you for the year ahead, old man. 😊 Happy birthday, Sanal! 🎉🥳 Here's a virtual cake for ya. 🎂
  2. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, MisterLonely!

    Hope you have a wonderful day! Sending you my bestest wishes for the year ahead - double it up with my Christmas wishes for you. Happy birthday! *hugs* [/URL]
  3. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, lonelyfairy!

    I know things have been rough for you but hope you're keeping strong through all of it. You're a fighter! Sending you my bestest wishes, hope all is well with you and that you have a great one this year. Happy birthday, fairy! *hugs*
  4. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Hopetracer!

    Best wishes to the year ahead and good luck, my friend. :) [/URL]
  5. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, zibafu!

    Happy birthday, zibafu! :)
  6. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Brodie!

    Best wishes to you and hope you have a good one. :)
  7. ladyforsaken

    What song are you stuck on humming/singing right now?

    I get these moments where I just have a particular song in mind that I wanna sing (to myself, of course) over and over and over again. I bet you do too. Post 'em! :D [video=youtube]
  8. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, SlayGuy138

    Have a good one and best wishes to you!
  9. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Paraiyar!

    Hope you have a good one despite it being Valentine's Day and all. May the year ahead be a good one for ya. Take care and best wishes! :)
  10. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Wayfarer!

    Best wishes to you and may the year ahead be a better one for you. Have a good one! *hugs* :)
  11. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, kathyjoyce!

    Hope you have a good one this year. Best wishes to you. :)
  12. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Shiloh253!

    Here's to a better year ahead. Best wishes.
  13. ladyforsaken

    Happy Belated Birthday, Nely Lo!

    [/URL] This might be a day late, but here's hoping you had a nice birthday. Best wishes to you. :)
  14. ladyforsaken

    My Real Deal

    For the past couple of days, I've felt so compelled to write a post about how I feel. I probably shouldn't feel the need to justify myself to others who don't give a **** about me but I feel like I need to do this, for my own sake and my own peace of mind. People often see what's on the surface...
  15. ladyforsaken

    For Introverts to Relate & Extroverts to Understand

    I came across this page on BuzzFeed and thought about how funny it is that I could relate as an introvert so perhaps some here might feel the same. Otherwise, you could probably understand what introverts are generally like. (Note: This is just for fun. All of it may not apply to all introverts...
  16. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, reynard_muldrake!

    [/URL] Best wishes and hope you have a wonderful time. :)
  17. ladyforsaken

    If you could...?

    I asked this question in the "Ask a question for the next person!" thread and it was re-asked by a couple of our lovely members till Aisha suggested the topic to be started in a new thread. So here it is. If you could live a day in the shoes of another person, who would it be? (And why?)
  18. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, Rosebolt!

    [/URL] May this day be a wonderful one for you and may you have a nice celebration. All the best in this year to come, with lots of success, good health, and achievements. Have an awesome year ahead! Happy birthday, you. :) *hugs*
  19. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, AFrozenSoul!

    Best wishes on this day and the year ahead.
  20. ladyforsaken

    Happy Birthday, LowBranch!

    Here's to a better year ahead of you and hope you have an enjoyable day.