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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. zero

    Happy belated birthday, Minus!

    Missed it on the 12th, but still remembered. Almost a week later 🤦‍♀️there's still hope 🤣 Happy belated birthday, Minus! Hope you had a great one! 🥳
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    A very happy birthday, Minus! Hope it's a great one. Make a wish! 🥳 🎆🍀
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Wishing you a fabulous birthday! Make a wish! 🎂🎁🍀🥳
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Happy Birthday, Minus! Make a wish! Hugs. :) (Not sure if today, but around this time)  :rolleyes:
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Happy Birthday, Minus! Hope you have a fabulous day! Make a wish! :)  🎉🎉🎉
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    In loving memory of Wishing Well

    For those who knew Wishing Well, it is with great sadness that I learned today, that she passed away last Tuesday, after a struggle with a disease she recently found out about. Wishing Well was such a warm, kind and loving person, it really breaks my heart to hear that she no longer is among us...
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Happy Birthday, Minus! Make a wish! :) (Hope I`m remembering the day right : s)
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    Happy Birthday, Wayfarer!

    Happy Birthday, Wayfarer! Have an awesome one, with lots of cake and fun! Make a wish! :)    
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    Thread for Oldies but Goldies Music

    I think we all heard them at some point and they just brightened up our day. Since I love particularly the 60s and 70s music, I thought I`d make this thread for everyone to post their loved tracks of oldies but goldies, that might bring a smile to our face and make the day, if only a tiny little...
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    Happy Birthday, Meaw!

    Happy Birthday, Meaw! <3 Hope all your wishes come true! :)
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    Happy Birthday, BadGuy!

    Happy Birthday, BadGuy! :) Have lots of fun today and make a wish! (hugs)                   
  12. zero

    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Happy Birthday, Minus! :) Make a wish! (((Hugs))) Sorry, I`m one day late (already 13th in my timezone), but I hope you had (and still have) an excellent one.
  13. zero

    Happy Birthday, SofiasMami!

    A very happy birthday and many more to come, Teresa, hope you have an excellent one. Make a wish! :) (it`s the 1st already in my timezone, so I`m a bit early)
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    Happy Birthday, Magalie!

    Wishing you a very happy birthday and all the best in the world. Make a wish! :)
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    Quizzes - Just For Fun

    Every now and then I come across a quiz that I take, just for fun. So, instead of creating separate threads for this or that quiz, I thought it would be nice to have a place for all of them, where we can post whatever quiz we find interesting and fun to do. Here`s what I`ve come across today...
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    Happy Birthday, TheSkaFish!

    Many happy returns of the day! Hope you had a fabulous one! :)
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    Happy Birthday, sk66rc!

    Happy Birthday, sk66rc! Hope you have a great one. :) ...also Happy Birthday to all the other celebrations today.
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    Happy Birthday, Minus!

    Happy Birthday, Minus! Hope you have a great one. Make a wish! :)
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    Thread for Epic Music Fans

    What is the epic music you are listening to? What artists do you like? What epic soundtracks to movies or games? Post the songs you like. I`m a huge fan of Two Steps from Hell (Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix), they have amazing, powerful music and vocals, so I`ll start with them. Enjoy...
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    Happy Birthday, VanillaCreme!

    Happy Birthday!