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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Sci-Fi

    Dark Modes

    Anyone else use dark modes on sites? I love it, if there is an option to use dark mode I always switch to it. It is so dark and Gothic instead of disgustingly decadent. a no prize to anyone who catches that reference, and that one too. Are there any other modes or formats you like to switch to?
  2. Sci-Fi

    Grammar Misuses

    Okay I usually don't do this but it is almost 4:30 am here, I can't go back to sleep. :LOL: :ROFLMAO: 😴 Has anyone else noticed how bad people's grammar is anymore? I'm not a saint when it comes to grammar, not at all, I'll probably have grammatical mistakes in this post. But I have...
  3. Sci-Fi


    Well I went into work this morning and my boss tells me effective immediately he's laying me off. Apparently I'm screwing everything up and keeping people from doing their jobs right. I was not expecting this. I know he's been stressed with stuff the past few weeks. I've been trying to keep...
  4. Sci-Fi

    Happy New Year 2021

    Happy New Year everyone!!  Hopefully this one will get better than the last.  Peace and goodwill to all and fond memories to those we've lost.
  5. Sci-Fi

    Happy Batman Day!!

  6. Sci-Fi

    Got a new car today

    And while driving home some ******* in the lane next to me who isn't paying attention to the car ahead of him, which was turning left, had to slam on his brakes and stupidly decided it was worth swerving into the outside line where I was at.  Good thing I saw the idiot and swerved to hug the...
  7. Sci-Fi

    Th1rteen R3asons Why

    Has anyone watched Th1rteen R3asons Why (based on the novel by Jay Asher) on Netflix? I finished watching it yesterday after a 3 day binge, it kept coming up as recommended for me and knowing what the show was about I was really wary about watching it.  Have to admit, having been bullied in...
  8. Sci-Fi

    RIP Adam West [/URL]
  9. Sci-Fi

    A Lonely Life Code of Conduct

    The above agreement has existed since 2009 and was accepted when registering for this forum. Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct is an elaboration of the above and has become necessary with the ever changing needs of A Lonely Forums.  Much of the following has been clearly stated over the...
  10. Sci-Fi

    A Lonely Life Code Of Conduct

    The above agreement has existed since 2009 and was accepted when registering for this forum. Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct is an elaboration of the above and has become necessary with the ever changing needs of A Lonely Forums.  Much of the following has been clearly stated over the...
  11. Sci-Fi

    Weird Noises

    Past few days I've been hearing these noises in the basement of the house that sounds like a critter in the wall.  Wasn't exactly sure where it was coming from.  I heard them again yesterday and the strange thing was it seemed to be around the same time as the day before.  So then today I hear...
  12. Sci-Fi

    What a nice depressing headline to wake up to

    Deadliest Day of the Week Interesting but man what a downer of an article to see across your morning new feed. That's the day I'm usually out and about town doing my banking and shopping, and my brother is usually doing the driving too...
  13. Sci-Fi

    Sick Friend - has passed on :(

    Posted about this a few times the last week, have a friend I've known since I was a little kid, she's the kindest person you could ever meet. Always smiling, always friendly, a really good person. She was diagnosed with AML and went into the cancer center for treatment. With the chemotherapy...
  14. Sci-Fi

    minions movie

    First official trailer, summer 2015 [video=youtube] Looks hilarious already, more minion mayhem!!
  15. Sci-Fi

    RIP Robin Williams

    :( Found dead by apparent suicide.
  16. Sci-Fi


  17. Sci-Fi

    Batman Arkham Knight

    The FINAL installment of the mega hit Arkham series. [video=youtube] I peed myself...figuratively speaking. :D
  18. Sci-Fi

    Awesome video

  19. Sci-Fi

    How to interact with introverts

    A friend posted this on their facebook, I think if more people realized this a lot of us here would me much happier and interact with people more often.
  20. Sci-Fi

    When it rains...

    It just pours. I haven't really discussed my issues much of late, a few people know and some of you could tell since my "return". I've mentioned a few things in other posts here and there. I was laid off in the winter and was off a lot longer than I was supposed to be. So my presence on the...