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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. B

    Anything specific that turns you on or off in a potential partner?

    Turn On- Accepting me Turn Off- Not accepting me
  2. B

    Do you believe in ever after ?

    It is hard, when. Society has all these preconceived notions, about. What people should look like, think, and feel like.
  3. B

    How many relationships have you had??

    3 Since 20yrs.-old(1987)
  4. B

    Why do we always separate from the people we love?

    The 'legal' commitments, and 'break' those commitments.
  5. B

    Emotional Abuse - Constant Criticism

    The reason I can't presently change my situation is due to prior experience. My (ex)wife, treated my health like it was a joke. To the point that, when I had a bad seizure in our platform wood waterbed w/ wood headboard. She just jumped off the bed and ran out of the bedroom. So much for...
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    Emotional Abuse - Constant Criticism

    I had a doctor's appointment today with a new neurologist. My (physical)neurological health problems actually began, before I was 1yr.-old. I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm(clipped). Which caused hydrocephalus(shunted). The brain surgeries caused epilepsy. Why am I mentioning this. In...
  7. B

    Too disabled to be healthy, too healthy to be disabled

    I have been repeatedly told, I am a miracle. I am just a miracle that keeps on giving. That no one wants'. Because they can't handle responsibility if my (physical)health suddenly takes a dive.
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    Too disabled to be healthy, too healthy to be disabled

    Well, With my (ex)wife, then my 1st (ex)fiance. Not much with 2nd (ex)fiance, nothing with the woman who died. Brain aneurysm-Diagnosed before I was 1yr.-old, clipped during 1st(of 6) brain surgery Hydrocephalus-Caused by the brain aneurysm, shunted during 1st surgery. Revised/Replaced over...
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    Too disabled to be healthy, too healthy to be disabled

    I am nearing 60 in less than 5yrs.. I have been in four 'relationships' since 1987. First was my marriage. In total, we were together 13yrs.(dating-2, engaged-3, married n living together-4.75, separated-3. 75). I was always seeing big differences in how (ex)wife's parents' treated her...
  10. B

    Relationship struggles with mothers

    Your mother is, my age. My mother is 83 this year. My mother is also judgmental. While I presently live with her(I have lived with her for the past 16yrs.), for my physical health. My emotional health is always teetering. She said about a year ago "You make my life a living Hell!!!" She...
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    Can't stop bringing up ugly experiences from the past and it's ruining my social life

    I know that all-too-well. Two years after my divorce, I got engaged to a mentally ill(Bi-Polar II, and possibly Borderline Personality Disorder) woman. Who over the course of 4yrs.+ together, 'diagnosed' me thirteen times(ADD, ADHD, BP-II, BPD, Diabetes, DID, Hypoglycemia, MPD, NPD, OCD, OCPD...
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    Can't stop bringing up ugly experiences from the past and it's ruining my social life

    I nearly died when my (ex)wife saw me have a seizure during our marriage(I told her it could happen), but did nothing to protect me. She was in denial about her health, and mine. She didn't even call 911. My mentally-ill(and emotionally abusive) (ex)fiance on the other hand. Didn't mess...
  13. B

    Bands/musicians (A-Z)

  14. B

    What are you thinking right now?

    Not feeling good
  15. B

    Is being alone better?

    She is set in her ways. So, It is almost a constant battle.
  16. B

    Is being alone better?

    This so true. Even though I live with my elderly(will be 82 this year) mother. I feel like a 'box within a box' or, 'fishbait'. The space between, the inside of the outer box, and the outside of the inner box The length of the fishing line from the end of the fishing pole, to the fishhook...
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    Never had friends

    I have face-to-face friends, who I only see every couple of years. Because, I only see them at a health conference that takes place yearly. Before I moved to another (US)state in 2019. I would actually be able to see people. Now, With the pandemic, it is practically impossible. I am thankful...
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    I, sort of, know the feeling. I don't have mental health issues, but chronic physical health issues. I was also bullied throughout school. I am 55 and live with 81yr.-old mother. It may be cheaper living with my mother but, it is very demoralizing. I don't go out because I don't trust that...
  19. B

    What are some of the best dating sites for a shy loner?

    If you want to spend the $.