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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Unsigned

    What can you hear right now?

    Cars on I-95. Even though it's about 8/10ths of a mile away.
  2. Unsigned

    What part of your parents lives on through you.

    What I got from them: Mother - ability to cook well. That is all. Father - work ethic, exercising regularly, importance of being financially sound and never being in debt. But neither were good parents. They only cared that I got good grades. Didn't give a d@mn about anything else. Other than...
  3. Unsigned

    does anything make you feel better?

    - Staying away from excessive or even regular drinking - Sticking to my exercise routine - Early to bed & early to rise & hopefully getting at least 6 hours of sleep. - Walking a minimum of 5 miles every day and much more when time permits - Going to a good restaurant once or twice a week Those...
  4. Unsigned

    Tell Us How You're Feeling Right Now Using A Song Lyric

    "Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker..." I won't say the next line.
  5. Unsigned


    IMO, bored isn't so bad. It's better than something bad happening. At least that's my take on it.
  6. Unsigned

    what was the last movie you saw?

    "The Iron Claw" But I was really drunk so I only remember the first half. Have to watch it again. I'm a big wrestling fan and am very aware of the tragedies that befell the Von Erichs.
  7. Unsigned

    Songs that help when you are depressed

    This one does it for me. It really helps. I have to remind myself to watch the video more often.
  8. Unsigned

    what did you do today?

    Woke up. Logged in from home & did my checkouts at work. Ran the morning call. Took a shower. Went to Home Depot, bought blinds, and installed them after improvising (to get them to fit in the existing holders from the last blinds). Called a friend & talked for an hour. Did some more checkouts...
  9. Unsigned

    Boyfriend has low self esteem and has never had friends

    Honestly the fact that you have a guy like this as your SO says to me that you are going above and beyond in "supporting him". He is very lucky to have you. I hope he appreciates you.
  10. Unsigned

    Post a photo of someone you think is really good looking.

    Young Kate Bosworth:
  11. Unsigned

    Is being responsible a bad thing

    That's not the only problem. Immigration services WILL check up on you and your wife. To make sure it is not a sham marriage for green card. And will expect to see things like joint bank accounts, going on vacations together, etc... The penalty for sham marriage? I believe can be as bad as 2...
  12. Unsigned

    Is being responsible a bad thing

    You sound relatively content with your life. And in that you certainly have me beat. BTW, 5'10" is a normal height. I think Mel Gibson is 5'10". As to why some people question your life decisions, especially when you are not hurting yourself or others? They're busybodies. Pay them no mind.
  13. Unsigned

    Men - do you feel yourself becoming an 'incel'?

    This is a good point. Just about all of my "mongering" friends are very happy with their lives. They have no interest in a steady girlfriend and being monogamous. Some have been engaged, others divorced, some are still married but no longer have sex with their wives due to menopause & what not...
  14. Unsigned

    New Member. Hi

    That seems like a lot to me. Seems like something really nice. I have neither.
  15. Unsigned

    History A-Z

    Zama (not sure if anyone else said that). The battle that saved Rome.
  16. Unsigned

    Men - do you feel yourself becoming an 'incel'?

    The "incel" thing is much worse than medication, IMO. It's the idea that you, as a guy, did everything right. You listened to your parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teachers, priests, nuns, etc... You were a "nice boy". Studious. Intelligent. Courteous. Polite. Successful. And it...DIDN'T...
  17. Unsigned

    In one word. Post your current mood.

    Buzzed yet not quite drunk. Have to get up early tomorrow.
  18. Unsigned

    Overthinking due to low self-esteem

    I always assume the other person wants nothing to do with me. Especially females. And then if someone does show any type of interest (business wise or whatever else), I assume it is to use/take advantage of me and I react accordingly. It's just how I roll...
  19. Unsigned

    So what do you want, RIGHT NOW?

    A good night's sleep. But 6 straight hours will do.
  20. Unsigned

    what did you do today?

    "Worked from home" Drank 5 martinis. BS'd and jokesd around with my regular via text.