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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. M

    Hot people lower my confidence.

    Hmm, I sort of disagree. All the hot chicks I know are really nice. Although some of the more media and fashion-obsessed ones are bitches. You know, the ones who have to wear the latest clothes, and always need to be seen with a group of people, etc.
  2. M

    Hot people lower my confidence.

    God, I hate being outside and seeing hot people (own gender, same age, usually). Makes me feel like a loser, and I have no confidence for a while after that. Also... couples my age together, kissing, etc. That reeeally depresses me as well, ha. Anyone else experience this, and know how to get...
  3. M

    I don't know what the hell's wrong with me.

    I don't really know why I signed up here, because I don't even know what to post. So sorry if this thread's disjointed. I'm 19 years old, and I don't really like the way I look. I'm not really attractive, but some girls have apparently liked me before. This one girl liked me who could hardly...