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Chief broom

Well-known member
Nov 10, 2017
Reaction score
scottish highlands
:) Exactly that, im wondering what would make the forum more entertaining/interesting and encourage new and fresh postings. Remember that scene in LOTR when the fellowship go into the mountain where the undead hang out- feels like that here sometimes...…. Any ideas/thoughts! :D
My German teacher at High school made it a rule that if you did not answer at least three questions during the hour or at least have your hand up enough you would get 45 mins detention on a Monday evening.There was alot of hands up as you can imagine but some didn't bother and took the pain.I was rubbish at German🙁.Toilets requests were not included.Hope this helps😁
Joturbo said:
My German teacher at High school made it a rule that if you did not answer at least three questions during the hour or at least have your hand up enough you would get 45 mins detention on a Monday evening.There was alot of hands up as you can imagine but some didn't bother and took the pain.I was rubbish at German🙁.Toilets requests were not included.Hope this helps😁

Hi Joturbo er ok not quite sure what you mean...suppose mods could introduce a virtual caning for poor/disruptive posters …..but then again this could be the wrong sorta forum for that sort of thing. :rolleyes: 

What I was getting at is the lack of colour/vigour/enthusium etc considering theres forum members from all over the world I would have expected to see quite a variety of interesting posts..... Say for instance a thread was started called 'out my window'- just a pic of an every day scene where someone lives- could be hum drum for the person but very interesting for everyone else, doesn't have to be in the country could be a new York sky line or maybe an African/eastern scene.

One reason the forum can get jaded [imho] is resurrection of old posts- it saps the vitality of new ones and also shuffles them down the page where they don't get as much consideration or are quickly forgotten. Could be an idea to permanently delete posts over 2 weeks old.

Anyhow that's my tuppence worth :D
More posts and topics about issues that warrant discussion and less focus on the forum games that are limited at best in content.

Essentially more members who like discussions.
^ So if that's what you want why don't you start some new threads and see how they go?

As for games what's the problem, nobody is forcing you to take part and the people that do enjoy them and, personally, I have made some good friendships just by playing games.
Loneliness alleviated - Job Done.
Jently said:
^  So if that's what you want why don't you start some new threads and see how they go?

As for games what's the problem, nobody is forcing you to take part and the people that do enjoy them and, personally, I have made some good friendships just by playing games.  
Loneliness alleviated - Job Done.

You must not be on very often.

I've done it endlessly; I've added to old conversations after reading some engaging posts and made as many new topics as possible. I can't think of anymore for people who aren't actively engaged or demanding more without outright forcing it, and then it'd be meaningless.

Some topics I made never even got a single post; it always just goes back to the games that don't even build on anything; unlike say, the topics about sharing your pictures which can let a community get to know one another, how they're feeling, etc.... Those are still insightful and can allow someone insight.
I mostly mean the purely superficial ones like "make a word" or "answer with a question", etc.... They literally offer nothing. You could post or not post and the topic would not change; and that goes for literally everyone. It's not building to anything, you don't get any insight into whoever posts, there's nothing to respond to, it's literally a time waster; pure purgatory. You make a post, leave, another person comes in with their own post with no relation or any addition what was built on it, rinse, repeat. It's incredibly stagnant.

I'm glad that alleviates loneliness for you, but for me that's the very definition of isolation. And if I was feeling really lonely, I'd feel even more-so if that's literally all I had to do with people instead of actually talk to them, get to know them, discuss things, etc. I might as well just be browsing the internet solo or talking to a website bot. There's no difference here in that it's real people or not.

The best way I can describe it is doing outright NOTHING (literally sitting there) vs twiddling your thumbs. Yeah, you're doing *something*, but is it accomplishing anything or helping? Probably not. Why bother? Why is it a forum vs just some app game instead if that's literally all you can do with it?

Granted, without the games the forum itself would be 99.9% dead, nor do I even actively dislike them (I post sometimes too); I just wish others wanted to do or talk more about things with a little more substance most of the time and just have the games as essentially a side-dish to the main course meal of discussion. Because just the games themselves offer an incredibly light snack I don't think could actually sate anyone who's starving to death.
Can you make actual friends this way, or do you just count bodies who are keeping you from technically being alone because they're also posting on the same place as you at the same time? Because at times, I feel that's what a lot of people do.

I've never even had any qualms with games at all on more active forums, I guess because there was always more to do vs where you just want to goof off for awhile. Like a video game with a great story but lots of side-missions to mix things up. Not a game with virtually no story and nothing but side missions, if that makes sense.

The games themselves are not an issue, it's that there aren't enough members who want to do anything else it seems, and I guess I really don't see how that fixes being lonely or even justifies this place as a forum.
I'm on the forum every day in the games section and my loneliness is alleviated a little because of it.  Job done for me too I guess.

But I take the OP's point, a bit more activity would be welcome.
Enpatsu No Shakugan said:
Jently said:
^  So if that's what you want why don't you start some new threads and see how they go?

As for games what's the problem, nobody is forcing you to take part and the people that do enjoy them and, personally, I have made some good friendships just by playing games.  
Loneliness alleviated - Job Done.

You must not be on very often.

I've done it endlessly; I've added to old conversations after reading some engaging posts and made as many new topics as possible. I can't think of anymore for people who aren't actively engaged or demanding more without outright forcing it, and then it'd be meaningless.

Some topics I made never even got a single post; it always just goes back to the games that don't even build on anything; unlike say, the topics about sharing your pictures which can let a community get to know one another, how they're feeling, etc.... Those are still insightful and can allow someone insight.
I mostly mean the purely superficial ones like "make a word" or "answer with a question", etc.... They literally offer nothing. You could post or not post and the topic would not change; and that goes for literally everyone. It's not building to anything, you don't get any insight into whoever posts, there's nothing to respond to, it's literally a time waster; pure purgatory. You make a post, leave, another person comes in with their own post with no relation or any addition what was built on it, rinse, repeat. It's incredibly stagnant.

I'm glad that alleviates loneliness for you, but for me that's the very definition of isolation. And if I was feeling really lonely, I'd feel even more-so if that's literally all I had to do with people instead of actually talk to them, get to know them, discuss things, etc. I might as well just be browsing the internet solo or talking to a website bot. There's no difference here in that it's real people or not.

The best way I can describe it is doing outright NOTHING (literally sitting there) vs twiddling your thumbs. Yeah, you're doing *something*, but is it accomplishing anything or helping? Probably not. Why bother? Why is it a forum vs just some app game instead if that's literally all you can do with it?

Granted, without the games the forum itself would be 99.9% dead, nor do I even actively dislike them (I post sometimes too); I just wish others wanted to do or talk more about things with a little more substance most of the time and just have the games as essentially a side-dish to the main course meal of discussion. Because just the games themselves offer an incredibly light snack I don't think could actually sate anyone who's starving to death.
Can you make actual friends this way, or do you just count bodies who are keeping you from technically being alone because they're also posting on the same place as you at the same time? Because at times, I feel that's what a lot of people do.

I've never even had any qualms with games at all on more active forums, I guess because there was always more to do vs where you just want to goof off for awhile. Like a video game with a great story but lots of side-missions to mix things up. Not a game with virtually no story and nothing but side missions, if that makes sense.

The games themselves are not an issue, it's that there aren't enough members who want to do anything else it seems, and I guess I really don't see how that fixes being lonely or even justifies this place as a forum.

constant stranger said:
I'm on the forum every day in the games section and my loneliness is alleviated a little because of it.  Job done for me too I guess.

But I take the OP's point, a bit more activity would be welcome.

"A little bit" though. Surely we can all hope to do a bit better than just that. :/
Maybe I've been lucky then but I'm sure I'm not the only one.I responded to someone on games and subsequently pm "d them .We got talking and they invited me to join WhatsApp.We now talk regularly about all sorts and we have a good laugh .Now I call that a friend.

Also if you play long enough on games you do get to know people very well just with the little interactions and jokes that can be a result of games.I think there a great aside to the forum and long may they continue.

I haven't got a clue why it's so quiet at the moment but as someone said it does fluctuate .I'm sure some more people will join that add threads and comment on them in the near future.
Joturbo said:
Maybe I've been lucky then but I'm sure I'm not the only one.I responded to someone on games and subsequently pm "d them .We got talking and they invited me to join WhatsApp.We now talk regularly about all sorts and we have a good laugh .Now I call that a friend.

Also if you play long enough on games you do get to know people very well just with the little interactions and jokes that can be a result of games.I think there a great aside to the forum and long may they continue.

I haven't got a clue why it's so quiet at the moment but as someone said it does fluctuate .I'm sure some more people will join that add threads and comment on them in the near future.

That's cool that got to happen. If you don't mind me asking, was it one of the ones that is more individualistic in content (post a new word, etc) or was it one of the ones like "how are you feeling right now?" and other more interpersonal topics?
If the former, how exactly did you just start talking? Shared sense of humor or something like that?

Since I've never had such luck in making friends so casually, I'm genuinely curious how it's worked for others.
Enpatsu No Shakugan said:
Joturbo said:
Maybe I've been lucky then but I'm sure I'm not the only one.I responded to someone on games and subsequently pm "d them .We got talking and they invited me to join WhatsApp.We now talk regularly about all sorts and we have a good laugh .Now I call that a friend.

Also if you play long enough on games you do get to know people very well just with the little interactions and jokes that can be a result of games.I think there a great aside to the forum and long may they continue.

I haven't got a clue why it's so quiet at the moment but as someone said it does fluctuate .I'm sure some more people will join that add threads and comment on them in the near future.

That's cool that got to happen. If you don't mind me asking, was it one of the ones that is more individualistic in content (post a new word, etc) or was it one of the ones like "how are you feeling right now?" and other more interpersonal topics?
If the former, how exactly did you just start talking? Shared sense of humor or something like that?

Since I've never had such luck in making friends so casually, I'm genuinely curious how it's worked for others.

Why do you think you haven't made a friend on games? Do you think that's why you seem to have such s beef about them?

I won't be able to respond now because have to get ready for work.

I've got five minutes now so can add a bit more.Im going to a customer now that I've worked 12 years for.In that time I've never been late and you can count on one hand when I haven't turned up.After a couple of years we started chatting before work..And now he tells me everything because he trusts me and we have a good laugh I consider him a friend.Maybe if you didn't flirt with games and stay loyal you might be pleasantly surprised.l gotta go now because I hate being late😁.Loyalty ..think about it.
I really don't understand why people hate on the games section so much. Who the hell cares. If people enjoy them and it helps them through every day life or whatever, let them be, let them have their enjoyment. It's not hurting you or anyone else. It's not your cup of tea? Fine, don't play, but everyone is not you, everyone doesn't feel the same way about it as you. (Generalized you, not talking about anyone in particular)

As for the slowness of the forum. I have been here since 2010, I have seen it dead, I have seen it active, I have seen it dead again. It's part of life online. It's not going to be hopping all the time, this forum, like the rest of the internet world, goes through lulls. It will pick back up again, eventually. Just like the chat room, sometimes you have to stick through til it does, but running away, whining/bitching about it doesn't solve anything. Start posting, start talking and chances are good that there will be at least a few who respond.

Oh, and as far as the suggestion for an "out the window" thread. There actually is one.
Joturbo said:
Enpatsu No Shakugan said:
Joturbo said:
Maybe I've been lucky then but I'm sure I'm not the only one.I responded to someone on games and subsequently pm "d them .We got talking and they invited me to join WhatsApp.We now talk regularly about all sorts and we have a good laugh .Now I call that a friend.

Also if you play long enough on games you do get to know people very well just with the little interactions and jokes that can be a result of games.I think there a great aside to the forum and long may they continue.

I haven't got a clue why it's so quiet at the moment but as someone said it does fluctuate .I'm sure some more people will join that add threads and comment on them in the near future.

That's cool that got to happen. If you don't mind me asking, was it one of the ones that is more individualistic in content (post a new word, etc) or was it one of the ones like "how are you feeling right now?" and other more interpersonal topics?
If the former, how exactly did you just start talking? Shared sense of humor or something like that?

Since I've never had such luck in making friends so casually, I'm genuinely curious how it's worked for others.

Why do you think you haven't made a friend on games? Do you think that's why you seem to have such s beef about them?

I won't be able to respond now because have to get ready for work.

I've got five minutes now so can add a bit more.Im going to a customer now that I've worked 12 years for.In that time I've never been late and you can count on one hand when I haven't turned up.After a couple of years we started chatting before work..And now he tells me everything because he trusts me and we have a good laugh I consider him a friend.Maybe if you didn't flirt with games and stay loyal you might be pleasantly surprised.l gotta go now because I hate being late😁.Loyalty ..think about it.

Because I don't gravitate towards people just because they're a body. I  like to read someone's content and find out a little about them as best I can before I'd want to possibly talk more or get to know them.
I guess I don't see how that can happen solely on topics that really tell me almost nothing about them, even if it's mindless fun.

I mean, I suppose you can be introduced to someone and have fun (If you find those games fun; which I rarely do), but even then, I'd still want to browse other more insightful posts to them. I don't even know how you would strike up a conversation based on them.
"I sure laughed when you mentioned that M-letter word on the alphabet game! I feel we should talk in private now!"

I don't get real feelings of chemistry or anything genuine in such a scenario; it only feels forced or even desperate.

But no, that's not really my problem with them. I mostly can't understand why someone would want to keep posting in the most boring 'games' (some rarely even count as games, so much as just post non-related single words each time) and not want to have a discussion elsewhere instead. I guess I don't see the fun or how that would make you not continue to feel lonely.
Jently said:
As for games what's the problem, nobody is forcing you to take part and the people that do enjoy them and, personally, I have made some good friendships just by playing games.  
Loneliness alleviated - Job Done.

I admit that at one time i thought a Games section in a forum like this was a little strange at best. I pretty much ignored them. For some reason here i started using the game forum for a bit of short term diversion.

It seems that i have got to know more people through the game forum than any other area. While most of them are no longer on the forum, with many we still maintain contact. There are a number of people that i have been talking to for years that i first met in the game forum.
Minus said:
Jently said:
As for games what's the problem, nobody is forcing you to take part and the people that do enjoy them and, personally, I have made some good friendships just by playing games.  
Loneliness alleviated - Job Done.

I admit that at one time i thought a Games section in a forum like this was a little strange at best. I pretty much ignored them. For some reason here i started using the game forum for a bit of short term diversion.

It seems that i have got to know more people through the game forum than any other area. While most of them are no longer on the forum, with many we still maintain contact. There are a number of people that i have been talking to for years that i first met in the game forum.

They are literally the most active place now and without them, the whole place would be almost completely dead. I don't want to get rid of them, but I wish there was a way to bring up the rest of the site too. That's initially the whole reason I wanted to join. Not really to play games; I could do that on literally any other forum.

Anyway, no one has elaborated yet; when you make friends from these games, are they topics that are more interpersonal like "what are you thinking now?" and the like, where you can at least gain insight into some people (Do they even count as games?) or were they the more simple word games where you basically just post a new word each time?
I'm really curious, because I am at a total loss over how you could possibly make a friend over the latter. Where do you even start?
A lot of times, there is joking around, personalized comments, actual conversation. I've held conversations in the games sections with several people, we just reply to the person in addition to our reply to the thread.
Hell, I've called minus out quite a few times in the games section.
Yes I agree with Callie and you also get to know peoples' frame of mind through their answers, even one word answers, which is when PMs come into play and friendships begin
No, i don't consider "what are you thinking now?" to be a game but i imagine it could serve the same purpose. Yes often it can be a one word game. Typically a series of responses in different threads. I can understand how it might seem puzzling that anyone can get anything out of that. As both Callie and Jently said, it goes beyond that, it can be more than a one word answer. There can be chatter, joking around, conversations woven in and crosstalk.

I don't know, i wonder if maybe part of it could be that it gets people used to interacting with each other, even when they really have nothing to say, that it makes it easier to contact the person if they do have something to say.

Of course it isn't for everyone. For example someone who can not see any possible social purpose to small talk or who believes that such topics are the extent of someone's interest may not have any use for such indirect initial communication. That is not to say that it even has to go anywhere.

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