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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
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Consider the elephant. Specifically, consider the elephant off to the left of this post. His name is Ronald (I'm not sure why).

Ronald is a solitary elephant. He has few friends and below average tusks, so he has never been able to find a mate. Does this bother him? Sure. It would bother any elephant. But it bothers Ronald in much the same way it would bother you to have a pebble in your shoe. It's an annoyance. Sometimes a painful annoyance, but just an annoyance all the same. Why? Because he's got his trampoline. You can tell by watching Ronald how much enjoyment he gets out of that thing.

So it occurs to me (better late than never) that having a trampoline is a cracker-jack way to deal with loneliness. If you can find that one (or more-you can never have too many trampolines!) cause or activity that brings you true joy and at least a measure of contentment, pour your whole self into it. And who knows? Maybe it will lead you to someone with whom you can jump.

I have a couple of trampolines. I love to write (as this wordy post should indicate), and I hope to make it my profession some day. I also play the tuba, and plan to continue doing so until my lungs collapse.

Please share some of your trampolines (in case I haven't made it clear, 'trampolines' means 'hobbies'). Maybe they will inspire somebody who needs one to give it a try.
it's a great post spare :)

i think my trampoline would defiantly be bike ridding on nice days with my ipod, just relaxing, exploring new places, and ussally getting some ice creame afterwards

and kitties

lol I got your post, Spare. I get it. :p

My trampoline at this current second that i'm jumping on is a book. lol. No, seriously i'm sewing a book. I stiched the paper up with green ribbon and painted a cover and bound it...

It's a tiny booklet and it's my first book but It looks so pretty and i'm proud of myself. Ever since I read this book called Inkheart where the father repairs books, I have wanted to learn to do that.

I'll post pics later. I like to create things and bring back stuff from the past. I sew, I've made dolls, I cook and wear an apron from 1940, I have a typewriter (I don't write much but letters or grocery lists on it, I love my backspace key too much.) I also write too and hope to make it the passion of my life. (If I get paid for it, sweet deal.)

I also read endlessly. I love old books too.

And my hope I guess is that I will become such an interesting person that people will be like hey I want to get to know that girl that binds books over on center street! lol.
and i don't have any trampolines cause i'm not lonely. i just come here to waste time.. mostly.
I play and write my own music when I'm well. I mainly play alot of rock, metal and blues.
I build and design remote control model air planes and fly them.
I decorate my models with cool graphic designs that's my own.
I collect equirectangular that a lot of people asked me to share with them for a flight simulators.
Hmmm. I notice Unacceptance didn't talk about his trampoline. Very suspicious.

This is a good post, but my trampolines are mostly work related now that I think about it. I pour myself in to my work to great pleasure, but that's about it. Aside from that, fishing is enjoyable, except it's usually quiet enough that I end up thinking about everything that depresses me.
I love convoluted metaphors, Spare! Fine work.
My favourtie trampoline is the film CastAway; the one with Tom Hanks. Whenever I am feeling truly alone and miserable, a viewing always makes me feel significantly better.
I think I can idenitify a lot with the character Hanks plays in it in that his motivation for escaping the island (his girlfriend) has already given up on him and moved on, and he is left to rebuild his life alone.
The scene with Wilson on the raft is one of the few in cinema to make me cry uncontrollably too, and when I'm feeling low (which I invariably am when I watch the film) the floodgates open.
I'd recommend it if you've not seen it.
spuzzwink said:
My favourtie trampoline is the film CastAway; the one with Tom Hanks. Whenever I am feeling truly alone and miserable, a viewing always makes me feel significantly better.

Ha! I do the same thing! It's nice to be reminded that, no matter how hard life can be, at least I didn't have to spend four years eating raw fish.

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