I don't know if I can reply to a thread this old, but I'll try.
This is probably more accurate for women over 40 who have never been married:
1. Ugly af
2. Weird, scared, anxious, awkward vibe that's a turnoff to people
3. Mental health problems - which may include #2.
4. Is especially nervous/awkward around guys she likes - and this makes her seem less attractive and desirable, so they don't like her
5. Still lives at home with her parents - and has never moved out (probably not as much a stigma for women than men)
6. Is chronically unemployed or underemployed - though guys aren't as picky on jobs/career than women are
7. Too picky, thinks too highly of herself
8. The type of guys she likes doesn't like her, and the type of guys who like her - she doesn't like them. There's nothing ever mutual. For example, she may like unconventional, artsy guys with tattoos and long hair - but those types of guys don't like her. 
Or any combination of the above.