It's a self fulfilling prophacy..
The mind is a powerful thing. Control it, master it or it'll control you you.
Playing the victim and volunterring to be a victim....
Its as if your under hypnptic...but you'tr wide awake through all of it.
The mind always gose looking for trouble or it gose looking for data/informations to support the prophacy.
Then you simply set yourself up for a fall or the conditions.
You give life, people instructions of how to treat you.....
Oki dokeeee.....
I can use it to work for me or against me.
I have a very wild some people.
I like ****S...Pretty chicks with BIG ****S.
Sometimes my mind automatically creates lots of BIG ****S as if Im Obsessed with titays and pretty chicks.
So it dosent require much effort on my part to FOCUS on ****s
K...some people likes to paint their side of the fence green. I like to have big titays on my side of the fence.
It's a self fulfilling prophacy too, man. It's impartial.
Some basic law of attractions stuff...
I simply cannot hate what I want...Nor hate other for having what I want.
For example...if you wanna be simply cannot hate rich people.
Or you will never be rich.....
It's impartial.....
If you like beautiful women and wanna be with simply cannot hate women.
It's a contradiction. It will also keep you in a cycle of getting nowhere.
U gotta learn how to be one with the ****
Feeling, thinking and acting as if you're in heaven already.
It's a process of transforming or changing.
We live in accordance to our belief. It's the same as saying...It's a self fulfilling prophacy.
Chnage your thinking...change your life.
Beliefs= cuase
Actions/reactions = effects/symtoms
Solve your problems at the source...not the symtoms