i should beat your ass too for saing that. Everyoneis beautiful in their own way. i know you are very beautiful, inside and out. That dosent matter. i know you have abeautiful heart just show it. You know you are loved too. Looks arent everything ya know ! You are very unique. Dont let peope tell you otherwse ! Smile. i lovov youw ! s(^o^)z
Sorry for ypos. Keyboard is oing out.
You know vhat ? im gonna write you a poem. To make ou feel better. Just to show how muc lov i have for you =3
In my head,
In my head,
All in my head
It feels like the ugly is showing through.
In my head,
In my head
i cry under the moon
In my head,
Do people notice ?
The words thrown,
Lonely streets littered with the hope i once had,
Upon the ground.
i cant take the piercing thorns
Of the roses along the road
They make me bleed
In my head
In my head
Is it in my head ?
i cant hear it
i cant hear it
In my head
Afraid to cry
Afraid of it
Do they angels cry when they see me in pain ?
i cant feel it
i cant hear it
Just need to open my eyes..
In my head
Maybe, Its all
In my head
Notice carefully what i chse to put in this poem. Its all in your head. Open your eyes. i just want you to see that you ARE beautiful. Take my hand an we can get through this together. *hugs* Be strong. If you need to cry, let your emotion out. Dont keep it welled up inside.i love you.