Hi, I didn't mean leave this site, I was thinking in addition to it. As far as computers, I was thinking more from the standpoint of if you had a talent for fixing things. School can be a terrible experience for kids, I absolutely hated school, tried every way I could to get out of going too. We moved a lot and I was always the new kid. Some teachers have always been a little weird and sadistic, singling out kids and picking on them. I seemed to get that type, so it's no wonder I didn't care for school. I did go on to college though, and I found it better. These days I don't know that I'd even recommend college for kids unless they are going for one specific thing. There are other roads besides college. If ya can find something you have a real interest in, it makes learning and working much easier.
Homeopathic medicine does work for some people. But just like with antidepressants and other mental health drugs, they only work on some and it varying how much benefit a person will get from it. I've tried about everything, with regard to meds/herbs and the homeopathic meds. I think ya should have tried what he prescribed, they may have helped your mood, helped you to feel better. That's just my opinion, but I think people have to give everything a chance, that might help.
Too bad you can't have a pet where you are, they show ya they care even when no one else does. Well I wish ya the best. Do the best you can everyday, that's all any of us can do.