An Intervention

  • Thread starter What's In A Feeling?
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What's In A Feeling?

An Intervention

I was walking down a lonely road one evening
The sun had long set below the horizon of darkened trees
But the moon told no stars to shine
The sun still painted a stubborn blue streak
across the Western sky where no darkness prevailed

I stopped walking, thinking all hope was gone
The darkness would cover the sky
With an empty black vacuum of grief
...But the stubborn blue streak across the western sky
Didn't yield not even when the stars came out
And what a grand sight it was!
The clear blue sky of day and the black of night
Unified into one entity for a moment
It was perfection!
With a single tear rolling down my cheek
I walked down that lonely road
To the end

No one needs to know who I am...Just enjoy the poem and I hope your lives get better every one of you your all good people
that really does paint such a beatiful picture. It is also a very inspirational piece of writing so thank you very much you mysterious person :)

Thank you for your support as well, I also hope that everyone here finds what their missing, although I dont know how I ever will do that, just gota hold on to that hope I guess
Thank you for that and if your not already another member hear then welcome :)

I agree tomuchnothing that we always have hope,, never take that away from anyone. I hope that I well one day fined true love and be happy with that.

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