Another Breakthrough

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I dont know how this happens to me. But, I've been trying to work on myself. I've been trying very hard to change.

and, I think I've cleared another major hurdle.

Last night, I broke out of my lonelieness/silence by emailing a few people and telling them what i've been through the past few years, asking them to please support/love me because I've felt lonely and sad.

And they've been so supportive.

I dont think I will be lonely anymore. I've finally realized that I AM loved.

I've also learned humility. I've emailed my professors asking them for help.

Also, I've learned that my disability is only one aspect of who I am.

I think...I can face the world. I can be an adult.

I just want to be happy and over come my disability and I think I will.

For the first time, I think I will. :)
For years I've had cripplingly low self esteem because of how I viewed my disability. I thought no one would want to be my friend. I thought no one would want to date me. I thought I should just stay alone in my room all the time and not talk to people because no one would want to be around me. I thought I was a freak, subhuman at times. I felt broken deep down inside.

But now I realize....that my disability is only one aspect of who I am.

I am so much more than my disability. I am so much more than a face that is "different".

Other people saw that for years but I couldn't ever see it myself.

Now I do and I feel like a door has been opened. I was stuck in this little room and now a door has opened and I'm looking outside and ...

It makes me happy.

That was really brave, reaching out to so many people at once like that.

What is your disability? I have the same problem--I tend to see myself as just an illness, not a person anymore. Trying to change that.

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