Yeep. Hi
I also read your topic in the new members area. I know exactly how you feel because honestly I was in exactly the same situation as you when I left high school. And 1.5 years later I feel as if I'm still in the same position. I really don't know why I joined this site. My main problem is that I feel so out of place in life. I have many friends, but like in your situation, those friends have their own main groups which I'm not really a part of. And it's not so easy to just start hanging with a new group of friends. I've got a main group of guys that I also go out with - clubbing, movies etc. But for the most part, our interaction and time together is spent clubbing. It's even awkward for me to just say 'hey lets catch up for a coffee’ or ‘let’s hang out’. Because in a sense they're just clubbing mates.
I have to remember that I am lucky for what I have. I really appreciate the friends that I have. Because everyone that I do have in my life keeps me sane lol. I just wish I felt more belonging to a particular group of people. Because as you said in your post, sometimes you just feel as you're the person that's not entirely valued in your friend’s life.
I dunno. I keep moving on and I never give up in finding my place in life. I just feel as if things will change eventually and I'll find a group of mates that I truly feel a part of and where I can see us being lifelong friends. But yeah. I have a definite void in my life that needs to be filled.
Anyways. I'm 20, male and from Melbourne. If you like send us a PM on this site sometime and we can chat on this or msn or something