Anyone over 25 that didn't finish college?

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Soul Cry

Hello. Im 24 yrs old and a college drop out. I feel ashamed to meet new ppl bcause I didn't finish college. For those of you who graduated college, do you look down on ppl that didn't go to college?
Well in Australia, when I went to school, we had primary school, high school and then universtity. I didn't even make it to the end of high school, I left when I was 16, got an apprenticeship at a shipyard, and have really enjoyed the type of work that I do ever since. I'm glad that I didn't go further with my studies, because I'm more mechanically minded than an intellect. I couldn't give a hoot if people look down on me because I didn't go to University, that's their problem, not mine.
lol well i'm in university ..i dont think anyone whose opinion is worth anything much would look down on you for not finishing ur degree (at least in a social setting i mean).

everyone's path is different and be what leaves you content
over 25 here. & didnt finish college. i dont look down on ppl who didnt go 2/finish college. but ur still so young that u could if u changed ur mind easily still finish. & only b in ur 20s when done
way over 25 here, and ask yourself. Do I really want to know anyone so superficial as to look down on me for this?

Anyhow at your age you have plenty of time to go back to school. It isn't as if your old and washed up.
Soul Cry said:
Hello. Im 24 yrs old and a college drop out. I feel ashamed to meet new ppl bcause I didn't finish college. For those of you who graduated college, do you look down on ppl that didn't go to college?

Some people aren't as suited to uni/college as others. I've dropped out of two entirely sep. courses, and am hoping to start a new course next year.
Soul Cry said:
Hello. Im 24 yrs old and a college drop out. I feel ashamed to meet new ppl bcause I didn't finish college. For those of you who graduated college, do you look down on ppl that didn't go to college?

I don't see any reason to look down on people who didn't complete college. Outside of the university nest, we're all sort of floating around in the same soup. Keep your head up and let someone else spend too much of their time looking down on you.
I have graduated with my bachelor's and I am still working on more education won't be done till like 28-30 or so which sucks. Anyways I understand what you are saying because it seems like for some reason that older people are looked down upon in school. I remeber when I first started and I was like 23 those damn 18 year olds would look at me like I was an old man or something.

My advice who cares what they think most college students don't even end up using what the learned in college so just remeber that and if someone gets lippy with you ever ask if they are doing excatly what they went to college for if not you got something on them.

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