I am lonely. I graduated from High-school nearly 2 years ago, I'm still unemployed and I'm not going to College (although I plan to). Aside from family and the internet, I have no friends. I haven't been to any real parties and I still haven't had sex. I'm confused as to what I'd like to be and I can't see myself being successful. Despite my negative outlook, I try my best to think positive. I just wish I had the courage to get out into the real world and live a 'normal' life. Although being 'normal' is debatable - I know that my life isn't 'normal' by anybody's standards. While I try not to live in regret, I tend to do so. I feel like I've let my parents down as well as myself. I think of suicide often but don't consider it as I'm too afraid to attempt it. I don't think my current situation is healthy and I don't know how much longer I can take this. I just want to better myself.