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My childhood wasn't easy. I grew up watching part of my family break up (where my sister left when i was around the age of 6 or 7 due to conflicts), watched my dad go in and out of hospitals fighting multiple cancers, moved quite a lot to deal with financial issues, got bullied a lot by my brother and my close friends at that time...and was a quiet and shy kid. The only happy memory i had of my childhood was when Sundays came. But that didn't last for long either.

Okay, so what's the reason for this?
I am, or was, a military brat of the air force. I moved to 6 different states in my life. As far as I can remember, my life was fine until the age of 12. I had lived in Hawaii for 3 years, and I made my true best friend there. Of course, being miltary, one of us were bound to move away first. I left after 6th grade. 7th grade was a lonely and tough grade. It wasn't until I made a new best friend during the 8th grade. I liked her a lot, but I never told her how I felt. I was moving in 8 months, and I wasn't going to make the move any harder by getting into a relationship. Long behold, I get good ol' Leukemia the last month before I move.

Now, here in Illinois. After losing yet another close friend with cancer and facing my freshmen year in high school, it's pretty much a safe bet to say I got screwed over at the age of 14. 3 years of chemo, high school, and of being without friends, but I was okay. I felt fine. I was oblivious to the matter of how bad my life was. First semster of Senior year, I meet a girl I liked. We become aqauintances as par lunch. My loneliness finally caught up with me after 3 years when I found out she was graduating early and heading to college.

Here I am now, a freshman in college taking online classes from the comfort of my own home. I've still no friends, but old distant friends... let alone any relationships. People wonder why I am stuck in the past. Pretty much the past is what I liked most. I miss the ocean.

My life may not have been as hard as others, but it was a tough journey. One I still wonder if it was all worth it.

So what's the reason for this?
Wave Shock, The bit where your say that you where oblivious to how bad your life was. Well I had a tough time as a kid with getting ill. And its the same thing. You don't realise in tell its all over how bad it really was. The hard times start when you try and rebuild your life.

OK all try and give some back ground to my childhood. Well up in tell the age of 11 I was a pretty normal kid. I was never popular all tho I always had one are two friends. Always in and out of hospital for one thing are another but nothing that messed me up to bad. That is in tell I got to 11. Then I had a virus that paralyzed me from the wast down. I was not even able to go to the toilet off my own stem. I could no longer walk and was told that I would never be able to. I was unconscious for two weeks and nearly died.

Well I did learn to walk again all tho it took a long time and my left leg grow slower then my right leg. This coursed me to have a limp and bring my spin over. Course I was not good on my feet and was pushed over very easy. The kids at school was not very understanding as you can imagine. Of course getting bulled was bound to happen hear. At fist I tried to fight back coz one year be for this I could have done. But it was useless as I was just to week and was still struggling to even walk, never mined fight. And I could not run and still can not run.

Hope this helps lonelyloser, I well be happy to answer anything else if I can.
I have never had any good friends; I have only ever earned friendship through my looks. I have *never* befriended someone the same gender as me before. They were (and continue to stay) uninterested in me.

When I was six my teacher came to the conclusion that I was gifted. They wished to put me ahead a grade, but my mother said no, because she was afraid that I would become unpopular... I always lied to her and said that I was well-liked and was known for being a "tough" kid at school (and she always believed me), but I was actually very sensitive... They would make a game out of teasing me until I cried. Sometimes they would beat me up, too.

I have three sisters and two brothers... We all decided it was best to not associate ourselves with each other in class or during recess... They didn't want my unpopularity to rub off on them, so I only got to hang around with them at home.

My parents were always very overprotective and never let me leave the house on my own until I turned 14. I wasted a lot of time reading, writing and drawing. Still do. lol

My teen years were very awkward. I spent much of them crushing over a man who I eventually discovered was gay. I was very sick for much of it, and I never started making any friends at all until I got well again (as by then men began to notice that I was supposedly pretty).

I was told I was gifted again at 16; my guidance counselor asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I said I wanted to make video games. He asked me where the hell I would go to study something like that. I said I didn't know. He kicked me out of his office and never spoke to me again... My high school years were full of irritating moments like that... After Grade 9 I basically gave up on the whole thing... I'd usually go a day a week, do the entire week's work that day and spend the rest of it alone at home messing around with RPG Making programs, Photoshop and Microsoft Visual Studio.

After I got my diploma I fell in love with (and began to date) a man and began to work at an electronics store as a salesperson. I was not accustomed to being social, and they always put a lot of pressure on sales (with there being commission and all)... It was one of the most stressful times of my life, honestly. They put me in a store which was across the street from an old folk's home and fairly close to a nut house so we got weirdos all the time. They also had me working 60-hour weeks.

But... Yeah. After a year of that I burned out and decided to (finally) go to college to study computer animation. I screwed up all my chances of finding friends and my program was full of men (many of whom usually just talked about how much they wanted to **** me)... I gave up and isolated myself for another 8 months, only to come back home and realize that my parents were getting a divorce, my mother had developed schizophrenia, my older brother had gone back to doing/selling cocaine and had begun to abuse his girlfriend, and many, many other unfortunate things.

I did my best to fix things, but I couldn't... So, I decided to cut my losses and ask my boyfriend (we had been in a long-distance relationship for the duration of my first year of college) to move into an apartment with me closer to the college I was attending; he said no at first, but a few weeks later he very suddenly changed my mind. Assuming that I was going to live with and likely marry this man once I graduated, I accepted the offer.

So, at the end of the summer we moved into a nice place together. He demanded we buy a cat. I agreed. She was my only friend for quite some time.

The week after we moved in together his parents told me that he was only living with me because they had kicked him out. They told me he didn't love me. I knew things would only get rougher from there... And they did, as he immediately began to deploy ambient/stealth abuse tactics against me; luckily, I am very well-read when it comes to things having to do with psychology, so of course I knew what was going on... But, it's hard to like yourself when the only person who usually actually talks to you is constantly attempting to undermine your feelings of self-worth...

On my birthday (last year basically) my mother disappeared after having a short fling with my dad. We didn't find her for two weeks... Ended up her sister hid her in her apartment to "save her from your Dad." She talked like something out of a self-help book. She always dates abusive people. I hate her.

Anyway, after that time my Dad had a mental breakdown, and then was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He lived, luckily, but his mental anguish would last for quite some time after this, as my mother would haphazardly decide and then un-decide to stay with him (while talking about how the FBI had bugged her car and other bizarre things).

I tried to stay strong, but my loneliness built up until it became beyond unbearable... One day a boy from my class asked me to go to a museum with him. I told him I couldn't because I was seeing someone; I knew it would just end with me getting my hopes up over possibly finally having an actual friend only for my dream to be dashed because he decides he wants to ****... But he promised me it wouldn't end that way... So I said yes.

And of course we would hang out more and more often.

It always hung in the back of my mind that once the school year ended I could possibly move out of that apartment and pursue something with him (as the lease would be over, and it's not like I really wanted to be with that guy anyway), but I never once flirted with him. I treated him exactly like I treat everyone else.

I didn't tell him about anything that was actually going on in my life.

And of course he would eventually tell me that he wanted to kill himself.

It was all too much for me.

He told me he loved me.

That he knew I could help him.

That he didn't believe any girl could ever possibly want him.

I refused his advances and went home.

He would continue to stalk me for two months before I finally started telling other people in the class of what was going on; once I did he tried to tell people that he did some of my schoolwork for me. I grew frightened of what he could do. I didn't want to fight him. He was more popular than me. The world was teaming up against me. I only wanted to make him not want to die.

So, when he apologized at the start of the following semester, I accepted it, but only under the condition that he never speak to me again.

He accepted.

My fourth semester of college started darkly; I started most of my assignments two months too late. I could never sleep. I still can't. To this day my nights are filled with violent, powerful nightmares. My boyfriend's abuse had escalated to the point where he was beginning to harass the cat (by throwing her across the room, but onto soft furniture such as beds or sofas, and then laughing and talking about how he hopes it hurts her and stuff. I am very lucky that he never hit me, in retrospect). I began to stand up for myself very strongly in response.

Then he kicked me out. I had nowhere to go. Going home would mean ending my studies. I decided I would sooner be homeless.

After a few days of that my stalker classmate found out and took me in. We started going out. I gave up on everything and began to focus all of my attention on my work...

Things were a blur for the remainder of the semester. I hardly ever slept. I lost track of time. Days felt like seconds. It was crazy, but in the end I finished what I set out to do... And for that final night, when it was me and him and two other kids from our program playing Wii Sports... Things felt like they were going to be okay.

Once I finished I moved in with my mother and isolated myself for another four months. My mother continued to do weird things all the time. It was impossible to make sense of what she was saying half the time. My younger brother (who shares many, many personality traits with me) was also there, so it wasn't all bad. I left that poor little cat there with him when I left; he needs her more than I do right now.

Anyway, this new program started quite badly, as 1) I hadn't spoken to a normal person (besides my brother) in four months, and 2) the stalker/boyfriend guy told me he didn't believe in me, then left my team (we were supposed to be working together for our new assignment; me working alone leaves me at a large disadvantage. Still, I saw it coming from a mile away. Just another case of some retard being shocked when *gasp* people aren't perfect and *double gasp* they may not be able to fix all of your problems! Holy ****, I am shocked and appalled, aren't you?).

I now spend most of my time working alone. I have no friends, although my professors are all very kind to me. I assume they know what's going on in my life because otherwise they probably would have gotten sick of me by now like most other people. lol

At the start of this semester I spoke to a psychologist about everything that had happened. Apparently I suffer from overexcitabilities, depression and social anxiety. The last two are caused by the fact that I perceive myself as an outsider who has never belonged anywhere ever.

I mostly hide my feelings because I feel very strongly about things like this, but every once and awhile I can't help but let them out a little (especially when I don't sleep for a few days lol); I doubt I'll come back, but I really hope this helps the op.

So... Yeah. That was my childhood in a nutshell. I turned 21 three days ago, so I suppose it's over. lol

I'm sorry this post is so long.
Haha....well for one death comes to all of us alive, but all i want is you, think on the bright side. At least you're gifted and you have the looks. This is the rundown of my Life.
The only thing that I consider myself rather lucky is that the fact I was born in singapore. Though yeah, the government is hell of a strict here, but haha its all sunny and a disaster free country. Hummm, here comes my screwed up life. Basically, lets just say I have a rather goofy face. A face which people typically called as " come and bully me" face. When i was young, I attended this kindergarden. I never spoke to anyone there. No one liked me. I remember there was this time. I tried to make friends with them, they pushed me away. So pretty much, I did stuff alone. There was this particular incident that I was so alone that the bus driver of the bus forgot to send me home as I fell asleep in the backseat of the bus (P.S. I took the kindergarden bus back home and it was kinda a small bus).Primary school was no better. I got called names though I made a few friends. One of the typical names as "sissy" due to my pale complexion and the initials of my name. I got bullied shoved around and even the teachers would pick on me. They disliked me and often compared me to my elder brother. There was this one incident, the teacher got so nasty and empty the entire contents of the garbage bin in my bag. I was afraid to tell my mother though she taught in the school as me as she was a strict disciplinarant. Then came secondary school, a mixed year for me. I would say they were the years I had the most fun. But, there were the nasty side. I still remembered my lower secondary school days, they would steal stuff from me, hide it and bully me. In addition, I got so angry when my group members back-stabbed me and ejected me out from the group.They said I was useless when I did all the work. Eventually though, I did the project myself and aced it....while they got a failed grade. Then they started spreading malicious rumours saying that I quit on my own accord after stealing the ideas from the group. My senior years were the same too. My friends abused me, left me out of gatherings, yet most of the time I had to swallow my pride and let them make use of me, for I feared so much that I would end up with no friends to talk to. Then came my jc days. Pretty much the same. Nothing changed. The worst point of my life was during my army stint. Backstabbing was at its worst. My army mates all turned on me due to my dorky look. I almost wanted to end my life. Now, it seems my life, though slightly better, is not really that good. My grades are failing. I totally lost interest in my studies and I almost at the brink of getting kicked out of my undergraduate studies....So haha thats my life for me. And oh ya, the friends I have now is also none the better, ask them for help and it seems that you have no friend at all, and once they need help from you, they seem so close to you. All of them are so fake =(
These are interesting stories. I'm glad you shared them with us. It seems like all of us lacked good support as we were growing up. This tied to our social lives because we lacked self-confidence and thus had trouble making friends. There was never a point in my childhood where I thought of going up to someone and saying "I need help. I'm extremely unhappy and I don't know what to do about it." We basically just take the chain of events as they happen, and then agonize over it later. The worst part is that no one really seems to empathize with our sorrows. The bullies at school keep on doing what they're doing, and there seems to be no real system of punishing those people. We're certainly getting punished, but they are not. Why do you think this is? How come people get away with this so easily? Why do people like us just fall through the cracks?

I think there are different levels of sadness. If someone is having a problem with his or her boyfriend or girlfriend, I think to myself, at least you have SOMEONE, if you were me you'd be REALLY depressed and alone. So those people might be sad, but I'm sadder because I've never even had the experience of being close to someone. It's all relative.

The fortunate people in this world seem to take for granted everything that they have. They weep over problems like my boyfriend dumped me and get all the attention while people like us have much more severe problems and never seem to get help from anyone. People need to learn when they are younger that it's OK to ask for help. Our parents, teachers, and other members of the community should be there to help us. It's to their benefit to help us because it prevents larger problems from occuring in the future. Comments are appreciated.
Haha, its true, its true. Hence, my starting line... I consider myself lucky to be borned in a middle class family. At least the last thing on my mind is to worry about how I am gonna survive the day without any food. As for the bullies, it seems this way. Bullies usually have huge friends support, thus it is very hard to get them punished.
childhood was perfect. good family. good friends. still lonely
its obvious guest has some psychological issues concerning women its eather:

1. he never had a girlfriend because he was constantly rejected by women
2. some girl cheated on him or left him or both and he cant get over it.
3. He is angry at all these women that had relationships and had sex because he cant get laid
4. He is looking for attention and some kind fo reaction for his own amusement because he has been attention deprived as a child

Thats my psycho analysis :)
Verbally and physically abused by mother who has an undiagnosed personality disorder.

Am grateful for the positive influences I've had growing up because it made hell a little easier.
I had a pretty decent and happy childhood up until I was about 10. After that everything fell apart and the next few years were pretty chaotic and hellish. I'd rather not get into specifics on the public board but if anyone wants to PM me they can.

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