Sweet Jesus.
I don't plan to kill myself if things don't improve. I couldn't do that to the ones who love me. I also wouldn't want to have to answer to God for doing something like that.
To be honest, things are so much better now than 15 years ago. CAS, there are things in life that you just can't change. It's not fair to you as a person to feel that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in life. Other people play a role in your life which can be a good or bad thing.
A good example is this forum. We are here to help you so that you have a much better chance at getting well then you would by yourself in most cases. You have support and genuine concern from all of us here.
You have me very concerned. I have a strong feeling that you are going to wait until your 6 years are up to end your life. I hope to God that I'm wrong. Don't saddle yourself with such a dire deadline to meet.
I'm going to send you a pm after I put my coffee on.