Hi. I'm new!
I want to say that just like you I'm lonely as well and no my family doesn't know about it. i'm 30 years old, no job, and still live at home, and I suffer from depression. The only people i talk to are my family and my niece mentioned once that i needed to get out more cause I have no friends. so maybe she has an idea, but I doubt she really knows how lonely I really am or even the suicidal thoughts I have had over the years.
I don't think i will ever tell my family because there is nothing any of them can do for me at this point. My brother has his own life, my niece is preparing to leave for college soon, and my mother is a part of the reason why I am depressed. I love her but our relationship is just a cycle of co dependency that has to stop. She has all her money tied into my bank account and I pay all her bills through that. i'm responsible for making desposits from the money she gives me. I want her to finally put her name as a co account owner so that she can handle these things on her own because I want to MOVE out of state! a joint bank account is something I would imagine having with a husband, not my able bodied mother.
She has mentioned more than once that she wants me to stay a child forever, and when i told her of my plans to use my school money (from left over financial aid) to move she made it clear that she doesn't want me to go and continue to put off at least adding her name to the account. i don't mind continuing to pay her bills online but she will not be able to make anymore desposits when i'm in another state, which means that once she runs out of money she better open her own account. We're supposed to go on vacation in Orlando next month to celebrate my niece getting out of school and this when i plan to not return home. I'm already trying to look for apartments and jobs online....sadly i've been unemployed for years, and have no friends at all so I don't know of my chances. I only have two months worth of rent but I can't work here because i have no transportation and driver's license. I have lived a terribly sheltered life and I have to end this one way or another.
I have lurked around other similar boards trying to muster the courage to post something. But, typically threads like this would be full of people saying that telling your family is best (which cause me to chicken out) but honestly there are some things a family cannot do. I want friends around my own age, I want to work and become an independent person, I want to find love, get married, and have children one day. all of my former friends have done something with their lives, living in other states, and have families and I feel so left behind. I just think that if I fail with moving out I would be here for another ten+ years, living out my life with my mother and if that is the case i don't want to live cause my life would be meaningless.
P.S. Let me add that I don't hat emy mother nor blame her completely for the way my life turned out. i allowed myself to become used to this life and most of my hurt and anger is directed at myself. Her only fault lies in her inability to let go and her controlling nature, but once I became an adult I should have worked harder to leave. I don't know if it's too late but if I have to apply for every fast food joint I can ride a bike to I will.
Sorry for the long vent.