Blue said:
Wow, I've never seen anyone tattoo'd their fingers like that before. That's really nice. I can't make out the words though, what does it mean?
the left hand is 5 : 5 5 - for Charlotte Gainsbourg - 5:55 is an album of hers that *really* speaks to me and 5.55 the song itself is a sort of personal album of mine to do with insomnia and finding youve been awake another whole night, *again*
right hand is for mayonaka shounen totsugaki dan, hence the m,s,t,d
it was a nickname given to the late Fukasaku Kinji's production team (who worked a lot at night much of the time)
its also a punk tune by japanese band STANCE PUNKS, which ened up being the theme tune to Kenta Fukasaka's first movie (his dad only filmed the first few scenes of Battle Royale II before he died) - its the closing theme to BRII and a bit of a personal anthem of mine as well
simple and effective, and nobody else knows what it means, never mind having one the same!
heres the two tunes on youtube
[youtube]ihQFs-_WVJ0[/youtube] - dont know whey someone has put (naruto?) on it since its not even related
and the Charlotte Gainsbourg tune 5:55