Farting Death Camels must Die to Save the World

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Oct 1, 2008
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An Adelaide-based entrepreneur has hit upon a novel method of fighting global warming: he intends to exterminate Australia's vast population of feral camels by means of gunfire from helicopters and jeeps, so preventing the beasts from unleashing a deadly planet-wrecking miasma of greenhouse gas from their rumbling guts.

The idea is that the War On Dromedaries would be paid for – and indeed, turn a profit – by selling government carbon credits issued on the basis that a dead camel cannot be emitting methane by means of belch or trouser cough. Methane is a vastly more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, so the elimination of even quite small sources of it can equate to a substantial carbon-emissions reduction.

In fact, according to the calculations of Tim Moore – managing director of Oz firm Northwest Carbon – the campaign against the camels would yield substantial results indeed. He calculates that each of the feral dromedaries roaming Australia's mostly desolate interior belches or farts out no less than 45kg of methane each year, equating to a thumping tonne of CO2. On average, each camel assassination will prevent the equivalent of 15 tonnes of carbon emissions.

The resulting certificates, Moore reckons, could easily be traded for enough money to cover the costs of blasting the dromedaries from helicopters or 4x4s and disposing of the bodies, which could perhaps be sold for pet food.

More than a million mustang droms are thought to prowl the Australian interior, having bred there after camels were imported during the 19th century to act as beasts of burden. The creatures have become pests: in one well-known case in 2009, the outback town of Docker River was overrun by thirsty camels seeking water.

"If everyone knew what they were doing, people would be more concerned," Moore tells the Financial Times, "especially when they start coming into town and kicking down your toilet."

The Australian government is considering whether Northwest Carbon's camel-busting plans are eligible to benefit under its carbon initiatives. Full details can be viewed here in PDF. ®
Yeah. Suck it, Obama.

Instead of regulating factory and car emissions, he should be ordering the deployment of American forces on Australia to neutralize this global threat. Australia can sue us for invading their territory later.... After we're finished saving the world.
Cars have the right to fart, camels don't... I wonder how long before they start targeting humans. Just think, some of you as grandparents will get to tell their kids about the good ole days when farting was still legal.
^^ Right.

Mitt Romney 2012 - We support the rights of cars to fart.

You see, socialists (like Obama) want to get "big government" everywhere, including our anus.
This is just classic of this times.

After the industrial revolution, humans began to separate themselves from nature, seeing it as something different from themselves... Nature was no longer respected, all in the name profit, as if it were an endless 'fountain' of resouces.

In this gloomy vision of the world, animals are just another resource. They are only worth something if they're dead served on a plate or entretaining someone in a circus or whatever profitable activity you can think of. Wild animals are always on the way. On the way of what? of the only thing that matters for today's societys: growth. Expansion. Humas take a lot of room and their activities even more. Cars are more important, they carry humans around. They are crucial to growth. And it doesn't matter if their emitions will harm the environment... Funny, the constant growth required by the system could destroy us in the end.

Oh, and of course in this pecular vision, such values as sharing with other species, the apreciation of nature or even thinking deeply about the consecuences of the extermination of a specie are totally disponsable in the name of your father ($).

Yes, I'm rustled.

I'm ready to swing my bat at this camel killers!! :club:
Yeah, especially if "global warming" turns out to be a globalist lie. I remember watching something a while back about their making these new genetic kind of fish and releasing it into the oceans where it will exterminate and replace the natural ones. At least the camels aren't being tortured in slaughterhouses, but if you live in Australia you might want to watch out for camel burgers anyway. Other then that, lets not kid ourselves. Wherever someone stands to make a buck, someone goes to make it.
They could just ban factory farming which contributes to 19% of all green house gases emitted.

Environmental impacts of factory farming can include:
Deforestation for animal feed production
Unsustainable pressure on land for production of high-protein/high-energy animal feed
Pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer manufacture and use for feed production
Unsustainable use of water for feed-crops, including groundwater extraction
Pollution of soil, water and air by nitrogen and phosphorus from fertiliser used for feed-crops and from manure
Land degradation (reduced fertility, soil compaction, increased salinity, desertification)
Loss of biodiversity due to eutrophication, acidification, pesticides and herbicides
Worldwide reduction of genetic diversity of livestock and loss of traditional breeds
Species extinctions due to livestock-related habitat destruction (especially feed-cropping.)
Phaedron said:
Yeah, especially if "global warming" turns out to be a globalist lie. I remember watching something a while back about their making these new genetic kind of fish and releasing it into the oceans where it will exterminate and replace the natural ones. At least the camels aren't being tortured in slaughterhouses, but if you live in Australia you might want to watch out for camel burgers anyway. Other then that, lets not kid ourselves. Wherever someone stands to make a buck, someone goes to make it.

There are more decent ways of making money, this is just another case of greedy corporations abusing their power and a goverment who (for now) lets it happen. Make no mistake. This are acts of sociopaths in suits.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
How is this Obama's fault?

If you have yet to realize, everything is Obama's fault. He's not doing anything!! Where is the White House's press release regarding farting camels?! Obama is clueless on world affairs.
Remove cows from the US would also help. They are a non-native invasive species that does way too much farting.
and by cows, I mean the 4 legged animal and not fat people.
Although removing fat people would help too.
Humans are next... they really want to get the carbons burning lowz


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