It wouldn't bother me as much if the message was universal, like a general form of equality, or class equality, instead of always trying to push one demographic over the other, and every demographic over the one demographic I just happen to be..
Eh.. I've seen enough tits at this point that they all kinda look gross to me.. nothing against women in general though, it's the fault of the mainstream media for desensitizing me to them.. they're sacks of fat, I don't get people that go off like horny preteens about them..
And yea, I feel the exact same about sex/kissing scenes in general.. filler. I've even been skipping all those scenes on most of the shows I watch. Sides some of the Japanese shows that get dubbed to English. The Japanse still know how to make those scenes emotional. But any American show; soon as I see her eyes go slightly up and cross eyed at the dude, I just skip the next 2-5 minutes of the show. It's just guaranteed to be mindless trash, that's just painful to watch.
Riverdale is absolutely horrible for that.. I actually enjoy the general storyline of the show, and really hope it has a crossover with that Sabrina witch show, sometime soon. But it's basically a low key porno.. I'm not even sure if I want to watch the next season that just started.. I watched half of the trailer for it, and in it, Betty is dry humping Archie on a bed while proclaiming that she wants to bear his babies... /barf.. Real fukin classy..
There is plenty of good newer shows though, but I can only stand to watch em once. **** the 'watch again' list on netflix.. I'm not really into old stuff though, that was more my mother's thing. I'll watch an older movie once in a blue moon, but I don't make a habit of it.
I also actually really like horror movies, I was thrilled to see that Jamie lee Curtis, was still in the new Halloween films. I love it when past protagonists return, cuz it gives the series a sense of continuity, as opposed to just feeling like remakes of the same movie.