First week of class has been great.Instructor says I am doing good so far.With him,I have asked questions during class and answered them.Plus during the break during class,he got to know me.Told him I am in the process of cleaning up my life since I got out of prison 2 years ago.Said it is going well and told me keep it up.Plus talking to others in the class,one knew about what it is like.One guy in the class,said he is glad I changed my life around.Told me he had a brother like me.Hung around the wrong people doing the drugs and alcohol.Also got arrested and lost his life at age 17,was murdered.We have became good friends ever since.I met his family this morning and his parents are glad also I changed my life around.They said it was very hard when getting the call his brother was dead.It was a drug deal that went bad.