His article would seem to imply that serving one or the other are opposites just as the words are. On that matter I have two things to say:
1) Taking care of a Dog is a great way to express love, and its better then loving humans in some ways. Your faithful companion is always by your side and is not prone to stabbing you in the back, and while he might chew up your things or use your rug as a bathroom, it's still pretty mild compared to even half the **** you might put up with with humans.
2) Actually, the woman is setting a Godly example when she takes good care of a Dog. In terms of intelligence and freedom, we are as Dogs to God. Life becomes a lot better when you realize God is actually here to serve you, but don't piss on his carpets or chew up his things or you'll be out in the cold!
Does it seem far-fetched that God takes care of us in unforseen ways that we do not understand, much like a dog does not know why hes wearing a collar, other then to hold his leash? While walking the Dog will attempt to go off and resent or complain about the leash, yet back in the house they will jump for joy at the sight of it. The dog is well taken care of, but if manages to mess up the yard he will dig under the fence and run away. Likewise we are free to mess up our lives, and run away from the state of being where God provides for us, finding we are lost and alone on the outside.
The broadest definitions of God define him as what science has referred to as the tenth dimension where everything in the universe exists as a pure and single entity. In the mystical kabalah this is kether the crown, the tenth sephiroth (technically the first of the ten to originate) The crown of the godhead.
As humans we are born of two natures. One of doubt and negativity used to caution and make us appreciate the positive. The other nature is one of adventure, for the most we can really do (personal spiritual experiences aside) is "explore" these myths and beliefs. To say that we either believe for sure or we don't is ant of self betrayal. Many will say that faith means having no doubt, but what mountains have they moved? Faith is achieved when you understand the double nature of humans and are able to detatch yourself from the outcome. As for getting what you want, that's a matter of "ask and ye shall recieve" which is another topic entirely that deals with the complexities of speaking the language of the universe as well as interpreting the stars, numbers, and other important oracles.
The point is, WE are the sculpture, the painting, the masterpiece. Without us, the artist is nothing and receives no recognition from anyone! That we can better ourselves, and give thought to that which we cannot explain rather then blindly believe or disbelieve it, that we can evolve and resolve all paradoxes within us, that we can aspire to greatness... We have only to align our intentions with the "theme" this artist meant to capture with our lives. If we deviate from this unique theme, the painting will be ugly. If we harmonize with our intended theme, we will become fine works of art!
In the end that's all a righteous God can really expect from us... Be true to oneself and realize that the gamble "to believe or not to believe, which religion do I pick, etc" is meaningless, unnecessary, and entirely beneath you, but that you explore a thing is whats important. To believe in the gamble implies that only a few are right and everyone else has to lose out. I would judge a so called perfect God as a failure if even one soul was permitted to be hopelessly screwed for all eternity. Instead, I see God as a writer and us as characters that are meant to be interesting and unique. "Religion is for people scared of going to hell, spirituality is for people who have been there."
I believe it is the journey, not the destination that's significant. There is a point at which all destinations become the same. Every other grass will always look greener and so we always go from place to place, thats life. There will almost always be a list of pros and cons for each destination, and they will tend to hover towards the center, and likewise your indecision...
Today, while walking my dog, I saw a white-haired lady drive by in a convertible.
A large golden retriever was in the back seat.
It seemed the dog was being chauffeured by the lady!
Then it hit me:
"We all have to serve somebody."
His article would seem to imply that serving one or the other are opposites just as the words are. On that matter I have two things to say:
1) Taking care of a Dog is a great way to express love, and its better then loving humans in some ways. Your faithful companion is always by your side and is not prone to stabbing you in the back, and while he might chew up your things or use your rug as a bathroom, it's still pretty mild compared to even half the **** you might put up with with humans.
2) Actually, the woman is setting a Godly example when she takes good care of a Dog. In terms of intelligence and freedom, we are as Dogs to God. Life becomes a lot better when you realize God is actually here to serve you, but don't piss on his carpets or chew up his things or you'll be out in the cold!
Does it seem far-fetched that God takes care of us in unforseen ways that we do not understand, much like a dog does not know why hes wearing a collar, other then to hold his leash? While walking the Dog will attempt to go off and resent or complain about the leash, yet back in the house they will jump for joy at the sight of it. The dog is well taken care of, but if manages to mess up the yard he will dig under the fence and run away. Likewise we are free to mess up our lives, and run away from the state of being where God provides for us, finding we are lost and alone on the outside.
The broadest definitions of God define him as what science has referred to as the tenth dimension where everything in the universe exists as a pure and single entity. In the mystical kabalah this is kether the crown, the tenth sephiroth (technically the first of the ten to originate) The crown of the godhead.
As humans we are born of two natures. One of doubt and negativity used to caution and make us appreciate the positive. The other nature is one of adventure, for the most we can really do (personal spiritual experiences aside) is "explore" these myths and beliefs. To say that we either believe for sure or we don't is ant of self betrayal. Many will say that faith means having no doubt, but what mountains have they moved? Faith is achieved when you understand the double nature of humans and are able to detatch yourself from the outcome. As for getting what you want, that's a matter of "ask and ye shall recieve" which is another topic entirely that deals with the complexities of speaking the language of the universe as well as interpreting the stars, numbers, and other important oracles.
The point is, WE are the sculpture, the painting, the masterpiece. Without us, the artist is nothing and receives no recognition from anyone! That we can better ourselves, and give thought to that which we cannot explain rather then blindly believe or disbelieve it, that we can evolve and resolve all paradoxes within us, that we can aspire to greatness... We have only to align our intentions with the "theme" this artist meant to capture with our lives. If we deviate from this unique theme, the painting will be ugly. If we harmonize with our intended theme, we will become fine works of art!
In the end that's all a righteous God can really expect from us... Be true to oneself and realize that the gamble "to believe or not to believe, which religion do I pick, etc" is meaningless, unnecessary, and entirely beneath you, but that you explore a thing is whats important. To believe in the gamble implies that only a few are right and everyone else has to lose out. I would judge a so called perfect God as a failure if even one soul was permitted to be hopelessly screwed for all eternity. Instead, I see God as a writer and us as characters that are meant to be interesting and unique. "Religion is for people scared of going to hell, spirituality is for people who have been there."
I believe it is the journey, not the destination that's significant. There is a point at which all destinations become the same. Every other grass will always look greener and so we always go from place to place, thats life. There will almost always be a list of pros and cons for each destination, and they will tend to hover towards the center, and likewise your indecision...