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I'm going to go out on a limb here.

I think it's absurd for people to go in to college ater high school. These are kids (I'm only 23, but stick with me here) with no experience of what life is actually like, plunging themselves in to an adolescent fantasy land where, again, they will get no actual life experience. All this does is crank out people who have a very isolated view of the world and they really are a pain in the ass to have to work with.

I honestly, truly think that you shouldn't even be allowed to apply for college until you are 21 or 22. And you should have to show that you've worked a job for that time, the crappier the better, because a ****** job makes you appreciate everything and builds a work ethic; it takes snivelling children and makes them adults. Well, most of forestry crew broke a couple of people, they just couldn't handle working. It was pretty pathetic.

People put WAY too much importance on going to a university and getting a BA or an MA! It's ridiculous. I wish I could find it, but I had a study showing that there are cases where blue collar workers who go to work right out of high school have made significantly more money than people who opt for college, because the college kid often has a longer wait to find a job, and has incredible debts to pay off.

I'm not saying people -shouldn't- seek some sort of professional education. But there's more readily available opportunities nowadays for people who go to two year institutions and learn to actually do something. A kid will go to business school for four or six years and have another two or three years to live in his parents' basement begging for a job. Meanwhile, by that time I'll be through EMT-I and done with my year and a half of Paramedic school, ready to make $14.00-$18.00 an hour. Around $40,000 with Medic hours...and that only goes higher if you get on with a fire department.

Why are people so afraid of real jobs? Why? It's ridiculous.

On $30,000 a year, I can still do better financially than someone making $60,000 or even $80,000. It's less about what you make and more about what you do with it. The biggest check in the world is squandered and wasted if you don't save or invest any of it. People my age are in the hole, financially, and **** out of luck for jobs that they're just getting out of school to look for and are discovering there's no demand for them; comparatively, I'm socking money away every paycheck and can put money in silver or stocks.

80% of people with 4 year degrees have to move back in with their parents for a number of years after school.

Now, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you've made some really stupid decisions it sounds like since you were young, decisions that are very typical of people our age. I'll be honest, I can't stand people like you because you make me worry about having to live with you all for another 40 years or so on this green earth, and I go in to a blood-fueled rage every time one of you pops out a ******* kid that I usually end up supporting on welfare. It scares me that some of you will be in charge of making important decisions; it honestly does.

But please; you're far from the point of no return. Find something to do for a living, go get trained for it, and go to work. Pull your head out of your ass about guys and friends and forget it all for a bit and focus on accomplishing something. Plenty of guys will still like you when you're "old", though I don't think you can call yourself old until you're 40. You're being ridiculous. Stop measuring yourself against the status quo all the time; it's not endearing.

And don't worry if you don't have a 4 year degree right out the door. I'm 23 and still working on a 2 year degree. Who cares? I won't need a 4 year degree until I'm ready to move in to management. Kids don't belong in management, I still have a lot to learn. We *can* go -back- to college, you know. In my Biology class last year, I was one of the youngest students! My lab partner, who I thought was a really neat person, was a girl in...I think her 30s. She had several kids and had a hard time with school. She'd been divorced once but recently had remarried to a good guy (HOLY ****! I know, right?! She's older than 20 and still got married, wow!) but she was putting herself through school to be a radiology technician.

Also, party schools should be burned down. You're not there to ******* party, you're there to learn something. And stop valuing yourself based on how appealing you think you'll be to a guy! Decent guys (like myself :p) go for confident women who can stand on their own and don't need me to validate their existence. Ugh.

Sorry if any of this sounded harsh, but I only say it because I care that you succeed. I have probably another 40 years to share this world with you people before I die of cancer or have a heart attack at work and the number of people our age that can be solidly classified as '**** Ups' is astounding. You have a chance to not be among them. This is the truth; welcome to reality. Take a nice deep breath, smell the ashes, and stop being a teenager.
