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Feb 25, 2015
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hi, so im not entirely sure what to type, or how to type it, so as to make whom ever reads this, feel like i am someone they'd wanna speak to. anyway, im 21 years old, been a loner my entire life, had alot of friends wheni was a kid, but slowly, drifted away from them, for i had felt at the time, i was destined, for more than what they could have offered me. I have no friends anymore, I have no family, no love life, nothing. recently though, i had thought there was hope, in the form of a girl,unfortunately, it seems as though i had misread the situation, now i have retreated back into my solitude. where all i do, is write and live within the fantasy, of the worlds i create. I long for the company of another, so much so, that i have lost all abillity, to communicate with people, i find it terribly hard to smile, i havent felt happiness in years. Still i know any girl or friend or loved one,would be lucky to have me in their life, for i depth and intelligence and talents and wisdom and am not bad loking at all (i think), alas I am destined to a life, of eternal loneliness.

Id like to make friends, with some of you, even if it is, through a computer screen, thats all, thanks.
Internet friends can be more than you'd expect them to be. I have quite a few friends I've never met before and my life is a million times better for the relationships I have with them. Keep trying and I'm sure you'll find someone. You are not destined to be alone.

Welcome to ALL. Feel free to try out the chat room, if you're interested :)
Upon a lonesome road said:
I long for the company of another, so much so, that i have lost all abillity, to communicate with people,

I can relate to this very much and am in the same position in a lot of ways though a lot older. Im 39. I think youll find also that youre not destined to be alone unless you choose that path. Its just that the path out of that place is often by its very nature hard to see because of all the darkness. But there is many paths there. Its just a matter of finding them.

Id like to encourage you to study your loneliness and try to find the real root cause. I can tell you this, at least in my case. Its sometimes not a lack of people that causes it, but a lack of connections. So i hope you can learn to understand your loneliness, and thereby overcome it in time.

I say this not because i assume i know you, but because im just passing something on that it took me a long time to learn and that i hope helps.

There is ALWAYS choice in life even if it feels like theres not.

Welcome to ALL and i hope you find the friends youre looking for along with peace from your troubles. Welcome aboard.

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