for you all to start making friends here
i feel like things maybe work a little slower here than im used to thats y i ask
i feel like things maybe work a little slower here than im used to thats y i ask
Oh ive got like a thousand reasons y i shouldnt pm a girl LoLoL trust me on this but LoL @ female cousin thingy cute.Whoaisme said:Consider it this way... There's no reason not to PM a girl. I always think of them as unobtainable girls (Like out of my geographic range, my age range, my looks range, and I consider everyone already taken). That or think of them like a female cousin or something. Begin with absolutely no sexual interest whatsoever. Just shoot the breeze. I have NEVER had trouble talking to people male or female online since there is that sort of pseudo anonymity. In real life it is a totally different story.
Online, I'm not afraid to tell anybody anything. I usually tell very, very, personal details that I wouldn't even share with a therapist (if I still had one). It's not like I'm giving out my name and address, plus if you make a complete fool of yourself you can always register with another user name...
Yah i know about meeting girls online most of em arent really emotionally stable & your so right u either get massive head games girls who look nothing like they say or chicks who just want sex. Ok so not in that order LoL but u know what i mean.Lost in the Oilfield said:hmm, how'd this get into discussing communication with girls?
Far as friends... you can PM me if you want to talk about whatever... guy or girl makes no difference.
I should be on at least on the weekends... works starting soon though so I can't say for sure... could be that our location will have satellite internet... not sure but the house/hotel should so I'll try to keep in touch.
As far as meeting girls online save yourself the trouble... I find they either play head games, have a boyfriend and just want to flirt online, or they don't look anything like they did in the picture... I've had all three of those encounters... all were really annoying, except for one... I wouldn't date her because I like girls around my own weight, but she has a great personality... kind-hearted girl just going through a tough time with exboyfriend. So, besides making a friend, I didn't have much luck in the love department.
As far as finding a date online with an attractive girl who has the same interests as you... not very likely...
but there is always that possibility I suppose...
Anyway, PM if you wanna chat... you have to talk to people if you want to make friends.
Best thing to do if you want to make friends is to go through the forums and find someone that says something interesting or whatever and send them a PM directly talking about it... that should open things up. Either they won't respond or they will, but at least then they will know that you are there.