Hysteriux's Tunes

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Reading through "An exerpt" by tony30 when checking the latest posts i noticed just now that there was a board like this... Thanks, tony30, for that! ;)

I'd just like to try and make this place shake a little by adding some music to it. Forums are awfully quite sometimes, don't You agree?

Anyway, i'd like to post some tracks i've made over the years; feelings i've had in a form of audio. Since i've always loved music, i started expressing feelings and trying to tell stories with audio when i was kinda young. I'd be glad to see some more sounds of creativity submitted to this thread, if there are any else who have any, so don't hesitate to do so! =)

Not that i'd know of any person here who'd ever need it, but i would gladly help anyone who read this out with any electronic music for any fun and free project. I'm doing this right now anyway and i'm looking for more jobs! =)

Moving on
Star Trip

Updated August 6th: A Love Story is one of most recent projects i've been working on lately which i finally finished today. Had troubles and ran out of ideas with this one for some reason. Enjoy =D

Updated July 9th:

I have a little script for this one as well! It's not at all worked through but it may help You understand what i see when i listen to my own stuff. Have fun! ;)

The Dolphin Race

0.00 - 0.30 : Landscape view, zooming in, fading in, loading to go
0.30 - 0.56 : Sliding view of the dolphins, close-ups
0.56 - 1.12 : Away they go!
1.12 - 1.38 : Over the water, slow-mo
1.38 - 2.03 : Race from the side, side to side to each competitor.
2.03 - 2.16 : Sabotages, fighting eachother.
2.16 - 2.41 : Smashes through rocks and continued view of the race through different themes, deeper and deeper into the ocean with colorful light-fish everywhere.

2.41 - 3.07 : Fishes start flashing in rythm to the beat and rock formations are forcing the dolphins closer and closer together.

3.07 - 3.20 : Giant whale sucks 'em all in to a deep darkness...
3.20 - 3.55 : It continues! Slow-fading red lights are everywhere around them inside the whale but the further they go into it everything turn more and more robotic around them. Some organs are completely made of metal.

3.55 - 3.58 : They are all caught in a suction which blow 'em all out through the whales now completely robotic blowhole!

3.59 - 4.37 : They're spewed out into a completely pitch-black oceon and can't see a thing at first, then they suddnly are surrounded by brightly glowing, elextric yelly-fish which slash their arms after them to electricute them while they take off once more to go for some large, green light some hundred meters away.

4.37 - 4.40 : Entire screen flashes green in tempo to the echoing electro-sound while zooming into one of the dolphins' eyes...

4.40 - 4.50 : ... which ends up seeing everything from that dolphins point of view for a few seconds; it faces upwards to see a wild ocean above, storms raging and flashes with thunder plunging into the water.

4.50 - 5.02 : One of the lightning flashes blinds it (and what we, the veiwers see ;) ) while all other dolphins around it shovel it over when they swim by to continue the race.

5.02 - 5.28 : He quickly pursue them and here we go again with the views of the entire race from the side going deeper into the sea again.

5.28 - 5.41 : They all seem to get a little tired now but they see the finish line a bit ahead! Now they use all their last efforts to speed up like crazy, aaannnndd...

5.41 - 6.06 : ...PHOOOMM! Now You clearly can see the wavy trails of them in the water; it's hard for the camera to follow! ;) Faster...faster...!!

6.06 - 6.13 : WOW! They're going super-sonic, so we have to go into another slow-mo!! The ocean is parting and flashing violently like if that Moses guy himself was there to use his godly powers to let his people cross!! LoL

6.13 - 6.38 : It's going FAAAAAAST! Close-ups on the contestants' angry faces and glowing colours is everywhere around them. Tons of effects and hard-core speed is making it hard to even see what the heck is happening in there!

6.38 - 6.58 : I don't think i can explain what i have in mind here... it's already insane. They're really close to the finish line now!

6.58 - End : And (preferly the dolphin You liked the most) crosses the finish line at the end of the ear-breaking noise You just went through. They all fly over the sandbank as the end of the track is just at the shoreline and, somehow, only the winning dolphin manages to land safely ontop of one of those "1st!" boxes and are given a trophy and a kiss on the cheek by some sexy babe-dolphins (i don't really know how the hell THAT would looke like...) and a final snapshot in black-and-white is taken at 7.12 which show a comical photo of all the other dolphins laying in the sand with buckets over their heads and one punching himself in the forehead. Fading out... the end of The Dolphin Race.
Good thread indeed Robin.:D

I've listened to both of the tracks that you have submitted and here's what I think.

Moving on, whilst very good is a little bubbly for my tastes I like dense, heavy peices of music that evoke some of the more profound areas of my emotional spectrum. Still I recommend to anyone reading this to give it a whirl because although it doesn't conform to my tastes, it is well compose.

Star Trip, on the other hand, is simply awesome and makes for essential listening! It is highly reminiscent of some of the 'trance' I used to listen to on occasion in the nineties. I don't have the musical vocabulary to give a professional summary, but trust me folks this you have got to hear!!

Did you really compose these yourself Robin, if Star Trip is anything to go by, you are in command of formidable talent!

P.S. Is it okay to post any kind of music on this thread? I already have one or two ideas bubbling away as I type this.
Jesus christ =O... You're the only person who've ever bothered to write anything about my music with more than a "It's allright" or "I kinda liked it". I bow down to Your inevadable excellence in diagnosing audio and writing reviews! You have no idea how valuable those words are to me!! Now that i feel on top of the world, allow me to show my gratitude and eagerness by telling You more about my creative side (i just can't hide it)! =P

Coming up with and making the melodies is what i consider my expertise. I'm a real melody junkie and since i am i think that i like a special, often excessive amount of melodies, bass lines and drums all at once. =) It's practically nobody else than my dad who likes my music and very few who know about it, but i'm proud to say that every single sounds You hear in these tracks have been composed, edited and equalized and given effects to sound exactly as they do and have been placed exactly where You hear them. I've done this for... i must have entered my 8: th year now. You should listen to the one's i did my first year... i'm totally serious when i say that they are those kind of tracks that You can put on to make people pay to NOT listen to! LoL ;)

Hehe, Moving on is a little... well, i'd simply call it "simple". I took around 30 minutes to make it but it's also the best "happy" tune i've ever made, according to my girlfriend at least. =)

Star Trip is over three years old now and it took three months to get that damn thing done. The best part by far is right after the 6: th minute, where the ending begins. As You've probably noticed it contained around six (i've actually forgotten how many exactly! :rolleyes:) different themes which is what i mean with "describing a story".

The most extreme one i've made to date, talking about content, is one i call "Dolphin Race" which is almost two years older than Star Trip. It is even longer than Star Trip and has eleven different themes. That was in my experiment-period so it isn't really repeatable but is definitely the best songs i've ever made, in my eyes and ears, although that was over 5 years ago. I like to build the steam up and include all kinds of crap in each song. ;)

What i'd really like to do is to give some of my songs a proper music-video, but cartoonish, but i completely suck at drawing so i really can't. It's kinda frustrating when i have the entire thing visualized in my head already! ;) Being a director... that's my dream, and i'm gonna start studing for it in a month. =)

I'd like to see music, music, music in here so i'd gladly see more of anything! I listen to everything "good" from classical to Marilyn Manson (seriously) so i'm definitely not the one You should be "afraid" of. ;)
Hmm, as my 100th post i would like to add a little something which i really think deserve some attention, after all. The Dolphin Race, performed by a depressed guy trying to express his feeling a long time ago. Man i barely understand what You can accomplish alone sometimes when i listen to my old stuff..

I have a little script for this one as well! It's not at all worked through but it may help You understand what i see when i listen to my own stuff. This update has been added to the first post of this thread. Have fun! ;)
Hi Robin,

I cannot listen right now since I'm working, BUT I really liked the description--is this a video you'll produce or the music story? I love the concepts that you've described such as the dolphins being blown out of the whale's electric blowhole--very trippy!

I don't do drugs, but this is very imaginative!

I will listen as soon as I can.

Do you really want me to be honest? I can be brutally honest at times, or if you prefer, frank but kind.


Hehe, thanks for posting, LG. =) Drugs, eh? Well during the time i made this track i were a hard-core gamer, and gaming in clans, competing against others, has proven to unleash more endorphines in the brain than during an OD of some drug.. think it was morphine or something, LoL.

Be honest! I've never had anything REALLY positive OR negative; there's always something people complain about but it's mostly rather in the middle, You know. It would be interesting to see what You like and dislike about this song (and how close the script is to describe what You see when You listen to it); i can barely remember how i made it anyway so i won't take a hard hit if it's pure crap to You. ;)
I'm listening to the Moving On right now.

Overall, I like it quite a lot. Very upbeat, puts you in a cheerful mood. There is one part towards the beginning that I didn't like as much, but I cannot describe it...one part that was a bit repetitive, of course, this music is a bit of a looping track or something? I don't know....how to describe it!

Lyrics are very important to me, personally. That is why I love The Smiths, Morrissey, Sting, The Police,and even U2--it's not just 'baby baby baby you drive me crazy' ***** like that.

But I really do like this, though it's not my sort of music. I love the way it's like a wave that takes you up to a crest and over. Nice, upbeat, happy, I feel I'm in a better mood for just having listened!
Okay so it's the part between 1:10 and 1:30 where I wanted more of the layers to come in. I wanted something more, it did come, but perhaps a bit quicker? These are layers of sounds. Don't make your audience wait too long for the next layer! PS I did listen again and I still do like it! Can totally picture people dancing in a club to this.
Well that's the point of my music! ;) I guess i didn't really explain this very well yet, but neither of my tracks are actually made to be "listenable"; i just do them becaue i get strong creative urges sometimes and like to use virtual audio studios to calm them down!

That review is very nice in my eyes. =) Thanks for those words, LG!
Well, robin, you should be proud of yourself.

What a great way to let your creative energy flow. I wish I could see your dolphin movie--can you have someone you know who does CGI animation upload it to Youtube?

Thanks, LG =).

Um.. well, doing the kind of movie i have in mind would take some real talents to produce. I'm talking really good cartoon animation with great effects and all that and that's not exactly something You can ask someone to do for Ya. ;)
Hi Robin,

First let me apologize for this grossly belated response to the last few posts you directed at me.

At this very moment in time I am listening to The Dolphin Race and thought you might like to hear an opinion.

Rather than following the comprehensive script you typed out I decided to wade right into the tune without the baggage of any preconceived imagery, I hope this is okay.

Overall, it is a lucid and focused piece, (to me) conveying blistering motion through endless kalidescopic corridors and tunnels. It seemed a little dark to be called Dolphin Race though, it didn't conjure the bright effervescent themes I would normally associate with dolphins. In fact, I would say that it has a slightly predatory quality in places that you could liken more easily to the movements and psychology of a shark. The actual production though is superb, oozing quality.

The bottom line is I really enjoyed listening to this and I look foward to doing so again which will be in about 10 seconds, lol.

Please bear in mind that any observations I venture are down to my perception alone and as such, not to be taken too seriously because I've listened to a handful of your tracks now and bow before your musical prowess.

Keep it up, the sky is the limit.
Hello again, Tony!

Well, i believe dolphins as the characters for a music-video to this song wouldn't only be quite cool, but "practically" effective as well. Most people like dolphins more than sharks i suppose, and seeing an animal which You normally would relate to beauty and kindness in a situation like this seems... more fun, put simply! ;) Since dolphins move their bodies vertically when they swim (and sharks horizontally) i think it would look much better from the side too, which is what most angles of this video i have in mind would be.

I take every review of everything i've been a part of very seriously but not "hard", if You know what i mean. ;) If a person as competent as You says something, then it probably is that way. But, as You say, a review is very personal so it won't be taken this way with everyone. I find this review very positive though, thank You! =)

Something i've had on my mind even before i started this thread is if You two actually listen to my tracks because You're interested in listening to new music or if You do it just to give me such nice comments. ;)
Hi Robin,

I have several musicians in my family and they are all passionate about their talent to the point of being fanatical. My sister plays in a band and my younger cousin is a prodigy on the electrical guitar. Both are quietly, very egotistical about there abilities, that isn't to suggest that they are obnoxious braggarts or anything, but they do take towering pride in what they do because they know damn well how good they are.

Criticism of a balanced and constructive nature would be welcomed by either (if of course, they were in they right mood, lol). They may not necessarily agree with the viewpoint, but they would appreciate the input and primed with an external opinion, it would help them decide as to why they were actually right in the first place, or be grateful that someone was able to hone in on an aspect of the tune/song that required tweaking.

If I were to pat either on the back and tell them that I thought their music was wonderful, solely in the interests of diplomacy it would be taken as a patronizing insult.

I wouldn't do that to either of them and I won't do it to you Robin.

If I had no interest in your music, I would have remained silent on it.

Regretfully this isn't my own composition lol but I thought this might be right up your street. Enjoy.

Oh, the memories!!!
I'm very impressed! Why aren't these songs European hits as yet? What are you waiting on dude?:)
LoL, thanks for those words, CJ. =) I've lost count on how many times i wished for someone who cares to notice my music. Not that what i've so far uploaded is MTV material, but i sure could make some. The thing is that the plain technical achievements of the melodies and such alone in todays music is crap and i don't want to sink to their level just to be famous, if You know what i mean. I don't want to make music just to please some idiots who can't appreciate technical complexity. Somehow that doesn't seem like a very good setting to ever reach a hit-list in these days. ;)
"A Love Story" has been extended and lightly edited. Most of my tracks tends to end up either too long or too short. ;)

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