Reading through "An exerpt" by tony30 when checking the latest posts i noticed just now that there was a board like this... Thanks, tony30, for that! 
I'd just like to try and make this place shake a little by adding some music to it. Forums are awfully quite sometimes, don't You agree?
Anyway, i'd like to post some tracks i've made over the years; feelings i've had in a form of audio. Since i've always loved music, i started expressing feelings and trying to tell stories with audio when i was kinda young. I'd be glad to see some more sounds of creativity submitted to this thread, if there are any else who have any, so don't hesitate to do so! =)
Not that i'd know of any person here who'd ever need it, but i would gladly help anyone who read this out with any electronic music for any fun and free project. I'm doing this right now anyway and i'm looking for more jobs! =)
Moving on
Star Trip
Updated August 6th: A Love Story is one of most recent projects i've been working on lately which i finally finished today. Had troubles and ran out of ideas with this one for some reason. Enjoy =D
Updated July 9th:
I have a little script for this one as well! It's not at all worked through but it may help You understand what i see when i listen to my own stuff. Have fun!
The Dolphin Race
0.00 - 0.30 : Landscape view, zooming in, fading in, loading to go
0.30 - 0.56 : Sliding view of the dolphins, close-ups
0.56 - 1.12 : Away they go!
1.12 - 1.38 : Over the water, slow-mo
1.38 - 2.03 : Race from the side, side to side to each competitor.
2.03 - 2.16 : Sabotages, fighting eachother.
2.16 - 2.41 : Smashes through rocks and continued view of the race through different themes, deeper and deeper into the ocean with colorful light-fish everywhere.
2.41 - 3.07 : Fishes start flashing in rythm to the beat and rock formations are forcing the dolphins closer and closer together.
3.07 - 3.20 : Giant whale sucks 'em all in to a deep darkness...
3.20 - 3.55 : It continues! Slow-fading red lights are everywhere around them inside the whale but the further they go into it everything turn more and more robotic around them. Some organs are completely made of metal.
3.55 - 3.58 : They are all caught in a suction which blow 'em all out through the whales now completely robotic blowhole!
3.59 - 4.37 : They're spewed out into a completely pitch-black oceon and can't see a thing at first, then they suddnly are surrounded by brightly glowing, elextric yelly-fish which slash their arms after them to electricute them while they take off once more to go for some large, green light some hundred meters away.
4.37 - 4.40 : Entire screen flashes green in tempo to the echoing electro-sound while zooming into one of the dolphins' eyes...
4.40 - 4.50 : ... which ends up seeing everything from that dolphins point of view for a few seconds; it faces upwards to see a wild ocean above, storms raging and flashes with thunder plunging into the water.
4.50 - 5.02 : One of the lightning flashes blinds it (and what we, the veiwers see
) while all other dolphins around it shovel it over when they swim by to continue the race.
5.02 - 5.28 : He quickly pursue them and here we go again with the views of the entire race from the side going deeper into the sea again.
5.28 - 5.41 : They all seem to get a little tired now but they see the finish line a bit ahead! Now they use all their last efforts to speed up like crazy, aaannnndd...
5.41 - 6.06 : ...PHOOOMM! Now You clearly can see the wavy trails of them in the water; it's hard for the camera to follow!
6.06 - 6.13 : WOW! They're going super-sonic, so we have to go into another slow-mo!! The ocean is parting and flashing violently like if that Moses guy himself was there to use his godly powers to let his people cross!! LoL
6.13 - 6.38 : It's going FAAAAAAST! Close-ups on the contestants' angry faces and glowing colours is everywhere around them. Tons of effects and hard-core speed is making it hard to even see what the heck is happening in there!
6.38 - 6.58 : I don't think i can explain what i have in mind here... it's already insane. They're really close to the finish line now!
6.58 - End : And (preferly the dolphin You liked the most) crosses the finish line at the end of the ear-breaking noise You just went through. They all fly over the sandbank as the end of the track is just at the shoreline and, somehow, only the winning dolphin manages to land safely ontop of one of those "1st!" boxes and are given a trophy and a kiss on the cheek by some sexy babe-dolphins (i don't really know how the hell THAT would looke like...) and a final snapshot in black-and-white is taken at 7.12 which show a comical photo of all the other dolphins laying in the sand with buckets over their heads and one punching himself in the forehead. Fading out... the end of The Dolphin Race.
I'd just like to try and make this place shake a little by adding some music to it. Forums are awfully quite sometimes, don't You agree?
Anyway, i'd like to post some tracks i've made over the years; feelings i've had in a form of audio. Since i've always loved music, i started expressing feelings and trying to tell stories with audio when i was kinda young. I'd be glad to see some more sounds of creativity submitted to this thread, if there are any else who have any, so don't hesitate to do so! =)
Not that i'd know of any person here who'd ever need it, but i would gladly help anyone who read this out with any electronic music for any fun and free project. I'm doing this right now anyway and i'm looking for more jobs! =)
Moving on
Star Trip
Updated August 6th: A Love Story is one of most recent projects i've been working on lately which i finally finished today. Had troubles and ran out of ideas with this one for some reason. Enjoy =D
Updated July 9th:
I have a little script for this one as well! It's not at all worked through but it may help You understand what i see when i listen to my own stuff. Have fun!
The Dolphin Race
0.00 - 0.30 : Landscape view, zooming in, fading in, loading to go
0.30 - 0.56 : Sliding view of the dolphins, close-ups
0.56 - 1.12 : Away they go!
1.12 - 1.38 : Over the water, slow-mo
1.38 - 2.03 : Race from the side, side to side to each competitor.
2.03 - 2.16 : Sabotages, fighting eachother.
2.16 - 2.41 : Smashes through rocks and continued view of the race through different themes, deeper and deeper into the ocean with colorful light-fish everywhere.
2.41 - 3.07 : Fishes start flashing in rythm to the beat and rock formations are forcing the dolphins closer and closer together.
3.07 - 3.20 : Giant whale sucks 'em all in to a deep darkness...
3.20 - 3.55 : It continues! Slow-fading red lights are everywhere around them inside the whale but the further they go into it everything turn more and more robotic around them. Some organs are completely made of metal.
3.55 - 3.58 : They are all caught in a suction which blow 'em all out through the whales now completely robotic blowhole!
3.59 - 4.37 : They're spewed out into a completely pitch-black oceon and can't see a thing at first, then they suddnly are surrounded by brightly glowing, elextric yelly-fish which slash their arms after them to electricute them while they take off once more to go for some large, green light some hundred meters away.
4.37 - 4.40 : Entire screen flashes green in tempo to the echoing electro-sound while zooming into one of the dolphins' eyes...
4.40 - 4.50 : ... which ends up seeing everything from that dolphins point of view for a few seconds; it faces upwards to see a wild ocean above, storms raging and flashes with thunder plunging into the water.
4.50 - 5.02 : One of the lightning flashes blinds it (and what we, the veiwers see
5.02 - 5.28 : He quickly pursue them and here we go again with the views of the entire race from the side going deeper into the sea again.
5.28 - 5.41 : They all seem to get a little tired now but they see the finish line a bit ahead! Now they use all their last efforts to speed up like crazy, aaannnndd...
5.41 - 6.06 : ...PHOOOMM! Now You clearly can see the wavy trails of them in the water; it's hard for the camera to follow!
6.06 - 6.13 : WOW! They're going super-sonic, so we have to go into another slow-mo!! The ocean is parting and flashing violently like if that Moses guy himself was there to use his godly powers to let his people cross!! LoL
6.13 - 6.38 : It's going FAAAAAAST! Close-ups on the contestants' angry faces and glowing colours is everywhere around them. Tons of effects and hard-core speed is making it hard to even see what the heck is happening in there!
6.38 - 6.58 : I don't think i can explain what i have in mind here... it's already insane. They're really close to the finish line now!
6.58 - End : And (preferly the dolphin You liked the most) crosses the finish line at the end of the ear-breaking noise You just went through. They all fly over the sandbank as the end of the track is just at the shoreline and, somehow, only the winning dolphin manages to land safely ontop of one of those "1st!" boxes and are given a trophy and a kiss on the cheek by some sexy babe-dolphins (i don't really know how the hell THAT would looke like...) and a final snapshot in black-and-white is taken at 7.12 which show a comical photo of all the other dolphins laying in the sand with buckets over their heads and one punching himself in the forehead. Fading out... the end of The Dolphin Race.