I am ?

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Am a poet, am a son, a grandson, A drunk that drinks alone. A loner and a friend. I am the small guy with the big hart that can not take the little hurts in life that ppl frow at it. But yet I still stand even though I wonder how I do that.

I am a brother
I am a one'er be dad some day
I am hungry, for love
I am a person that thinks would make a good friend
I am everything I don't want to be but at the same time I like what I believe in and think am right and have right on my side
I am unsure
I am someone that likes to feel needed
I am not sure what I am
I am lonely
I am me

What are you?
lol Why thank you hahah

I have no idea what possessed me to do that post. As you can see I am no pout lol
You may be not be a poet bluey but you are pretty damn good in my opinion, and i think you put into words what alot of us feel well i know i do anyway so my hat is off to you good sir and keep upto good work :)
i am YOU bluey

i am my mom
i am my dad
i am the green walls around me
i am my high school math teacher
i am the sand at Winnyfred beach
i am the wind
i am my toe nails
i am mars
i am the war iraq
i am everything external to me...

and i am therefore me.

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