Well… just using the word “but” or its synonyms means that you set conditions to love yourself… If these conditions are not met, your acceptance of yourself will decrease… and the amount of others’ love for you as well!
With these phrases, you give yourself conditional love, and plunge yourself into a whirlpool of excessive thinking that will often lead to these thoughts entrenching in your subconscious mind…
And because the universe is nothing but a mirror to our insides, the reality that will materialize in front of you is exactly what you think and feel. You will find yourself never satisfied with yourself no matter how hard you try...
Even after losing weight, you will feel that you need to lose more, and even after you achieve success in your work, you will strive for more… and thus you will run and run endlessly towards achieving unrealistic goals.
Not only that, you will find yourself involved in unsatisfactory relationships, with people who always make you feel that you are not enough for them, and even if your luck is good and you enter into a relationship with someone who appreciates and respects you, your thoughts will spoil this relationship, because you will always think that your reality is much more beautiful than it deserves… Or it is too good to be true, and you will live in constant fear and anticipation, waiting for the “terrible truth” to emerge, which is, that you do not deserve love…
Many people live in this hell, without being able to get out of it or overcome their feelings.
It is neither easy nor simple, to feel that you do not deserve love is not just a passing situation, or arbitrary emotional confusion that appeared in your life for no reason...
It is much deeper than that, and it will take effort, perseverance and diligence to get rid of it…
If you believe that you are not worthy of love, the first thing to remember is that feelings are not facts. Just because you feel unloved or unlovable, doesn't mean you really are.
Psychological problems and disorders may make a person really think that he is hateful and unloved, or that he is worse than getting love from his partner or his family, then these thoughts soon turn into excessive thinking and negative self-talk, followed by a feeling of guilt because he talks to himself negatively and then more From self-blame and so on until he destroys his mind and soul and kills his soul.
If you find yourself comparing your feelings and experiences with the experiences of others, remember one important thing: your feelings are also important and valuable, even if the feelings and experiences of others are worse, or even if they seem to you that they deserve love more than you because they are more successful, more kind, or more confident in themselves…etc…
Love is not a finite resource, and there is enough of it for everyone… Everyone deserves to be loved, loved and treated with love and concern.
One of the main reasons we feel unworthy is the way we talk to ourselves.
Every time you say something negative to yourself, ask yourself this question:
“Will I say this particular sentence to a little child, or to a friend or to someone I care about?”
Your answer will most likely be no...
Remember, you are the most valuable thing you have… yourself is the most important person in this world to you, so do not break it with your hands, and with your negative words…
It will take constant training, but it will change you a lot.
Keep a small notebook or diary, and make sure to write a positive message to yourself every morning… a small message expressing your self-acceptance, encouraging yourself to go on for another day.
Little by little, your self-talk will change, becoming more positive, and this will gradually reflect on the extent of your love and appreciation for yourself, and your sense of deserving love from others.