I have become so thick.

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Just in need of a bit of a vent really. I used to be really good at my studies at school and college, never struggled with work. Now I'm in my first term of uni and I have become so stupid. I can't do the work, cos I don't understand anything. I feel like everyone else understands what's going on except me. It's majorly stressing me out and I keep getting into a right state over it, especially this afternoon when I tried to write an essay and couldn't get a single word down. Perhaps some of us just aren't cut out for uni, but I don't know what to do without it. Ugghh, I just don't understand at what point I became so stupid. Okay, my rant is over. Hmm..
My question to you is, do you study something you like? I used to feel like you, because i opted for a study that promised a fat paycheck, but made me miserable because i didn't like it at all, so I changed it for what I loved. Doing something that interests you does play a big role in making that extra effort to understand it.
Seeker said:
My question to you is, do you study something you like? I used to feel like you, because i opted for a study that promised a fat paycheck, but made me miserable because i didn't like it at all, so I changed it for what I loved. Doing something that interests you does play a big role in making that extra effort to understand it.

I do enjoy what I study, and I am looking forward to the end result of becoming a teacher. Just not sure I'll ever make it there if I'm already struggling.
Are you sure it is just the academic work which is the problem, or are you finding university life hard for other reasons and are not able to concentrate on your studies because of this?
If it is the studies alone which are the problem, you could ask some of the other students on your course if they are finding heavy going as well and suggest forming a study group if so, or you could ask to speak to one of the tutors and see what s/he says. They might be able to offer some tips or suggest some books which would help you out by giving you any information you might be lacking.
I've never been to a university, way too stupid for that haha. But it's good you like what you're doing. I personally think it's important to not care much about wether the other people tend to understand or not. Maybe you just need some more time.

I think Tina covered the rest of what i would advice.
You should discuss it with your lecturer, maybe they can help you understand bits you don't. Don't suffer in silence.
dont be so hard on yourself, youre probably just going through a rough patch in your studies. i agree with all the above posters, you should talk to your instructor about what youre having trouble with. maybe theres something on campus that provides tutoring for what you need.
Thank you all for your kind words and advice. I am considering seeking out additional learning support.... once I have figured out where I would find that. :p
I got a good degree and went on to do a Master's - but there were times in my first year at Uni where I would stare at the page of what I was reading, tear up the essay I was trying to write and head off to the bar to drink myself into a comfortably numb state. This was a subject I was good at and really enjoyed - but there were parts I liked much more than others.

I guess there can be a lot of pressure to do well, and if you feel everyone else understands it could create a vicious circle, so that your motivation shuts down (kind of your brain thinking it's easier to not do this at all than risk failing/getting it wrong).

Sometimes there can be a bit of a leap from college to Uni.

So I think it's great you will seek out some additional help, it could be you just need a nudge in the right direction!
Whenever you find yourself struggling, it's best to either find a group of people to study with, or to basically stalk the professors in your field until they give you that knowledge. Every teacher wants their student to succeed, so if you show the effort, you may end up passing the class.

Good luck!

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