I HIGHLY Recommend Buying "Star Ocean: The Second Story"

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Island Of Patmos
Hi Everyone.:)

I've never done this before, but a game like this deserves it. It's called "Star Ocean: The Second Story" for the PS1.(It will also play on the PS2 and Ps3) It's classic that I feel many hard core rpg fans will find to be a thrill. It may not have the graphics of a title such as "FF VII" or "FF IX", but more than makes up for it in gameplay. You can buy it on ebay for around $40-$50. I was EXTREMELY LUCKY to find my copy so cheap. Below are the features that I consider to be fantastic. I will also include a link to an awesome site to help you acclimate yourself to it.


1. The game is 2 discs long.

2. You can start a campaign by choosing 1 of 2 characters. A male named Claude, or a female named Rena. Depending on who you choose, the game runs a little differently. There are 12 usable characters you can have. Depending on which character you choose. Rena or Claude. Some of the other characters may or may not be available to use. i.e. If you pick Claude to start, Dias Flac won't join your party. If you pick Rena, he will.

3. It has 99 possible endings

4. You can create and customize weapons. Make your own armor, food, write books, play music, etc.

5. Every character has a "Specialty" used in battle. Either magic or physical attacks. Every time you use one, the game keeps a tally of how many times you used a particular one. The more times you use one it starts to change it's appearance and length and gets much stronger.

6. You can pickpocket everyone in all towns for free items by simply pressing the square button when you are beside them. Success depends on your talents.

7. There is a place called "Fun City". It's basically the same idea as "The Golden Saucer" in "FF VII".

8. There are 12 playable characters. You can control anyone you wish in battle.

9. There are cool items like the Treasure Box, Lien, and Fill-Up. When used from the item menu give you 1-3 random items.

10. You have a max character level of 250!

I obviously can't be as thorough as I want because of time. The link below will give you a good explanation of everything. I really urge you to pick this gem up everyone. This is one very underrated title. VERY underrated.


If you have any questions please by all means, ask me.
I played the snes version of this game before it was remade for psx, but in that version you could only be claude. However you ended up getting Rena in your party near the beginning.
Cool. I've never played that one before. I still have a super. Maybe I'll track the game down. Thanks for the telling me Limlim.:)
~ Can you kill people - especially in town - if they piss you off?

~ Does the game react differently for choosing good, neutral, and/or evil options?

~ I cannot help it ... I need to be evil in games even though I am a teddy bear IRL.
No. You can't kill people.:p

Although, the responses you choose when spoken to affect the tone of the game and the ending. This game has a feature called "Private Actions". Before you enter any town, the square button will pop up giving you the option of a "Private Action" as opposed to just entering the town.

The difference between the two is that in private actions, the characters carry on a dialogue among each other in different ways and actions. Your entire party splits up in the town and you must locate them and talk with them. Every choice and response you make, will set the tone. Certain responses will piss off your fellow party members. Others will cause a loving and caring reaction.

Sometimes you may get an awesome free item if you chose the correct response.

EDIT: There are a couple of items like one called the "Trickster". When you equip this accessory, you get free random items while walking around!
I remember playing "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time". It was really fun and had a really nice crafting system. It takes like 90 hours to beat.

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