I want to see a Ghost...

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Creepy but very cool stuff there lol :)
I seem to be enjoying that more than I should be scared lol..
I've seen a really spooky picture of a ghost. it looked like a little girl looking out the window. my uncle took it. I do believe there might be ghost. but not as most people think of them. not as a spiritual essence. but as some type of other Manifestation on an atomic level. its a fact that, in addition to liquid fluids and molecular organism's. are body has a series of electrical impulses running through it. but the jury is still out on the whole subject
Trent9maynard46n2 said:
I do believe there might be ghost. but not as most people think of them. not as a spiritual essence. but as some type of other Manifestation on an atomic level.

I second that. I think so too. And I have a friend who can see those people (or ghosts), even encountered them. How do i know he's not lying? Well i just do, he's a close one.
It would be weird if you could actually see them, you know some people are given that sixth sense or special ability to really see. It's cool. But scary too. Hmm..
back in secondary school there was this rumour that one of my school mate who looked like harry potter got this ability to see ghosts and so on
but hell i dont want to be a ghost after i m dead since i just want to
eeeeeeeeendddddddddd thissssssssssssssss lemme be gone for good.... rawr o.o
lets c what we have 4 colette bhind the curtain...

its aaaaaaaa................................... BRAND NEW CAR!!!!!!!
NewBirth said:
lets c what we have 4 colette bhind the curtain...

its aaaaaaaa................................... BRAND NEW CAR!!!!!!!

Can I trade it in for an all-expense paid trip to Paris? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeze?
that would b a bad trade... paris at most 20K. best trip ive seen. most around 8-12K
cars worth at least 25K
NewBirth said:
that would b a bad trade... paris at most 20K. best trip ive seen. most around 8-12K
cars worth at least 25K

EH! Wrong answer. Paris can be done on a budget or boo-je` as I like to say. I've done it twice for about $1200 and I can go cheaper.
all u did was prove my point LoL that trading the car 4 a trip 2 paris was a bad trade
actually I could do Paris a lot cheaper then £1200 but then I live in the UK so its kinder right next door. I been one time with the school when I was about 10. I would not be able to get there right at this minuet tho for love nerr money as the england rugby is there. Heard on the news that right at this minuet your looking at no less then 10 grand. WOW I don't think all be going anytime this week lol
Hee hee. I didn't watch the video. I think real everyday life is scary enough! Wars, violence, terrorism, hatred, etc. There's enough scary stuff, we don't need to go seek it out! haha. Thanks for the clue about canned meat Hawaiians love! I heard there is like four food groups in Hawaii: Fried, sour, salty and SPAM!
NewBirth said:
all u did was prove my point LoL that trading the car 4 a trip 2 paris was a bad trade

NewBirth wants a spanking.

And Bluey, don't remind me that you're within spitting distant of France. You want a spanking too?
Just as we suspected NB, dats der 1 brazen women ;) lol

Now I was going to invite you to little old england, But girl your moor women then I can handle lol J/K :)

NB tho Well he might like that sort of thing, In fact am thinking he well for some strange reason lol
bluey said:
Just as we suspected NB, dats der 1 brazen women ;) lol

Now I was going to invite you to little old england, But girl your moor women then I can handle lol J/K :)

NB tho Well he might like that sort of thing, In fact am thinking he well for some strange reason lol

I'm really just a kitten who barks on occasion. :p

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