I am a 52-year-old man, I am retired, and I am a live-in caregiver for my developmentally disabled sister. I struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation as well as a growing sense of increasing invisibility (when I’m out in public) as I grow older – I just get the sense that I am less visible to others, that due to my age I seem to be overlooked a bit more, or just not acknowledged as much. Do others experience this? This sense of invisibility just further feeds my sense of isolation and loneliness.
I also believe in the phenomena of social atrophy – that as we age into our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond, many of our social contacts, peer groups and even close friends can start to fall away (if we’re not vigilant), either through social attrition, changes in health or financial status, changes in loved ones’ circumstances, deaths, etc.
I am working hard to maintain awareness of this specific type of atrophy in my life. I counter it by continuing to reach out into the community to make new social connections. Most recently, I joined a local rotary club, which involves volunteering with like-minded individuals. I also do my best to get out of the house and see my friends several time per week.
As others on this forum have stated, it is sometimes hard to go home after a successful social get-together. I always must return to the isolation of my home, which is hard for me. I feel like I am still not doing enough, that I am not getting enough of my social needs met, despite my efforts and current successes. It still feels like a lot of the time that I live in a bubble. Can others relate to this?
Other Stuff About Me:
I have been a musician (drummer) most of my life and I have played in many different bands in many different venues throughout my career. I also mess around with the bass guitar. I have not played my drum kit since 2019, however.
I like to bake (for other people). The more chocolate, sugar and fat, the better. I have a double chocolate, white chocolate chunk cookie recipe that will put a person on the ground. Good stuff.
Favorite podcast – Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. Hilarious.
I recently discovered classical music – Russian composers really grab me. I really enjoy some of the piano concertos of Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev.
Looking forward to getting to know this community better. Looks like a good group of people.