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They are the men women want though.  That is why so many average & below average men are struggling so mightly in dating.  For example, at the gym I work out in there are a few dozen women I see on a regluar basis whom I would consider my looks match-average at best face but outstanding physique.  Every one of them I have seen with a partner who is over 6', full head of hair & above average looking. 

The whole billions of people/women in the world thing is silly btw.  How many people does the average person actually meet in their lifetime-maybe a few thousand of so at most?  Women would rather stay single or share a top man than to settle for lesser men.  Also since 80%+ of women are only attracted to the top 20% of men or so means the the other 80% of men are competing for the remaining 20% of women-extremely poor odds to say the least.  The very few women who may be willing to settle for an average or below average man are quickly snatched up making the very bad odds even worse.
