I know that if, right now, I wanted to get a girl in my bed, by sundown it would be done. If not, 100% assured by the end of the weekend. She might not be say, Claudia Schiffer level, but I could. I decided to be picky. I think somewhere along there lies the problem. Some guys have put it in their heads thst say, that hot cheerleader over there, can, SHOULD date or sleep with them and when she doesn't, not only blames her, but her "group", aka women, for that.
Closest example I can think of would be "my toaster doesn't work, I tried finding one in a high class luxury store but they didn't have one I could afford, so now I hate all toasters and am never buying one again"....it's the mentality behind it that's the problematic, I think. It's counter productive. In some more extreme cases, clearly harmful.
Those guys need to get talked out of this...I dunno, dark place? It's kind of a self turning circle. I understand rejection breeds resentment, but some of them take it too far.
This is where I think society, the media, and other guys mess people up - the whole idea that the "hotter" girl is "better", or "more" of an experience, or whatever. Like the hot girl is a Lamborghini Aventador, and the more normal-looking girl is a base model Honda Civic. But it's not like that at all. People aren't cars. And I say this as someone who used to believe in that for a long time.
Society, the media, and other guys constantly bombard men with the message that the guy that gets the "hot" girl is the "winner", and the guy who goes for a more normal looking girl is the "loser" and must be "settling", must be muscled out of dating the hot girls, must be a b*tch that has to just take it in life - like there is no other reason why you would go for someone besides the hot girl, like how hot of a partner you can get equals your own worth as a person. But it's not true.
It doesn't matter how hot someone is if you're just chasing them for the ***, or for bragging rights to other guys, and you don't really find the person interesting, maybe even don't like them as a person at all, don't care about them, and they don't make you feel anything. The whole trophy wife/girlfriend (and for that matter probably the trophy husbands too) thing is overrated. You'll probably find that it's not that much fun, and quickly.
I've tried very hard to make it work with women I considered "hot", at least at the time.
Looking back though, it really wasn't that much fun. I knowingly let a lot of things go that I shouldn't have. And the conversations weren't even that interesting - not just because of me, but because of them. There was really only one, that truly was interesting, and I screwed up. The rest, I never should have gone for in the first place, but I told myself a story about them, and saw what I wanted to see instead of what was actually there.
Anyway, to use your example, the high end toaster, might just cost a lot and look fancy, and you can brag that you have a toaster made by such and such company, but at the end of the day, it doesn't do any good if it doesn't actually make good toast
I think the better message to guys is, be the best version of "you" that you can be, and go for someone who actually makes you feel real feelings - someone you like as a person, want to get to know, see yourself really caring about, and not just someone you lust after. For all you know, the hot girl could very well be boring.