Increasing brain capabilties

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I got this idea from the thread about what was going on in your head.

I notice that i always have to have something in my hand to play with, usually this is an elastic band.

More recently however, i started to notice a pattern in that i have to do that in order to get my brain working for the full 100%. Like, i can enter some sort of trance of thought if play enough with something, which means that my brain just works alot better and can come up with solutions and improvements of life alot faster and easier.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed something similar, where doing something increases brain producitivity? And i don't mean good enough sleep and all that obvious stuff.
Rosebolt said:
I notice that i always have to have something in my hand to play with, usually this is an elastic band.

Is this what we're calling it these days?
I totally love playing with my elastic band.
I have a secret move that will blow your mind.
Interesting topic.

I have a knight chess piece attached to a small chain that I fidget with while thinking over the board and at home.
I tap tunes when thinking of stuff to write. The rhythm seems to help click things into place.

I also rub the edge of the cuticle thing around fingernails, like where your skin meets the nail coming from the base of your fingers up. Dry skin always ensures it's rough and somewhat spikey-sharp there, so somehow it feels soothing to rub my otherwise thick skin on my finger joint-knuckle things.

Also when I'm trying desperately to sleep, I like to think of scenarios to walk through so my brain collapses from the strain of having to think extra stuff up to keep me amused I guess..while I'm doing this, I rub my thumb and middle fingertip together.

Can't say I've ever used an object to help cap how insane my brain goes when thinking though, but it might help, considering how off-topic and stuff my posts can get, typically due to thinking everything at once then forgetting instantly after the first sentence.
And with a name like that, it can't possibly be hard to sell. Win win!

Whoa nelly. Clicked the link AFTER posting, and instantly my eyes find "WARNING: SOME OF THESE DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS AND MAY KILL YOU."

Well, that sets the mood nicely.

Oh I can see clearly now my brain is gone..

..oh I can see all obstacles in my way..
Almost all drugs are dangerous and may kill you. The key is to know what you are doing before using them.

The ones like the racetams, choline, and modafinil though, have almost no really bad side affects and those three are all you really need. Even just a racetam/choline stack alone is going to be beneficial. On that list, really only desmopressin is any dangerous.
That girl I know who is a chem major and completely hooked on the idea, well these drugs certainly didn't help with her math lol.
I just read in a french newspaper about a certain region in northern France. The police there is convinced that driving without a huge amount of alcohol in the bloodstreams of the locals is dangerous. So that's an answer, isn't it?

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